The annual conference on Chinese distance education, the China International Distance Education Conference 2010, guided by the Open University of China (OUC) and hosted by the Journal of Distance Education in China, was held in Beijing from the eleventh to the twelfth of November. Against the backdrop of the first National Education Working Conference of the new century and the National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020), the construction and development of open universities became one of the focuses of the conference.

On 17 October 2010, a delegation of 16 members from Universitas Terbuka led by Samsudin, governor of Bangka province, Indonesia, visited the OUC's Experimental School. Chen Juan, vice dean of the Experimental School, and Li Yawan, director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Division, gave them a warm reception.

The delegation visited the school's history exhibition, classrooms, computer rooms, and monitoring rooms. They were briefed on the development of the OUC system, including teaching and administration. Eight students, tutors and teaching assistants from the experimental school had cordial discussions with the members of the delegation.

After a fair, open and widely recognized judgment process, the results of the Third Chinese Excellent Publication Awards came out on 13 September 2010, with the OUC-produced Common Knowledge of Chinese Culture, Common Knowledge of Chinese History and Common Knowledge of Chinese Geography winning.

The 14th UNESCO-APEID International Conference took place from 21 to 23 October, 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand. Around 170 participants attended, and over 90 speakers presented their papers. Wang Ying, an associate professor at the Institute of Open and Distance Education of the Open University of China(OUC), and Dai Jing, a member of the OUC's International Cooperation and Exchange Division, participated in the conference on behalf of the OUC.

 Education Without Discrimination 

Beijing Open University (BJOU) has long sought new ways to better share education resources and further communication and cooperation in education. Now, working together with Apple, Beijing OU has joined iTunesU, officially making course resources available via iTunesU.

This online release provides courses in nine different categories, with a total of 255 teaching videos, with the aim of expanding multimedia education and realizing Confucius's "Education Without Discrimination". The goal is to allow more people to participate in and enjoy study.


The awards ceremony for the second batch of Grass-Roots Level National Model RTVUs (Tutorial Centres) in China was held along with a forum on the development of local radio and TV universities (RTVUs) from the 26th to the 27th of September in Ningbo. A total of 54 radio and TV universities at county level and 34 radio and TV universities at prefecture and city level were awarded the "Grass-Roots Level National Model RTVUs (Tutorial Centre)" plaque.

Beijing Open University(BJOU) recently launched its Online Training Lab on the homepage of its online learning platform.

Some courses offered by the Open University of China place high demands on the students' operational ability. However, students have little access to the equipment and appliances needed to study those courses effectively. In order to solve this problem, the Training Lab has developed interactive

From the second to the twelfth of September 2010, an exchange delegation from the Open University of China (OUC) visited Japan and Korea. In Chiba, Japan, the delegation attended the second OUJ, OUC and KNOU International Seminar on Distance Education, with discussion centring on the professional development of teachers and support services for distance learning. In addition, the delegates visited the Study Centre of the Open University of Japan (OUJ) to learn about the centre's operations and management situation. The delegation visited the Korea Cyber University, exploring in depth the current status of Korea's online learning development and curriculum design. The delegation also explored avenues for future cooperation.