The recent visit of the OUC delegation to the UK and Netherlands was deemed a great success. Headed by Vice-President Zhang Shaogang, the delegation visited distance and higher education institutions and relevant departments between 24 May and 1 June 2010. Out of this visit have grown some new partnerships with European higher education institutions,and the following achievements have made:

On May 25th 2010, Professor Richard Cornell, visited the Open University of China and gave an academic speech entitled "eLearning's Many Faces, Issues, and Potential" in the lecture hall of the library at the OUC.

Professor Richard Cornell is teaching at the University of Central Florida. He is the President of the International Council for Educational Media,

 On May 22, 2010, Vice President Zhang Shaogang of the Open University of China received the President of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and President of Athabasca University Dr. Frits Pannekoek, in the Chinese Language Center. The two sides discussed broadly and deeply on how to promote international exchange and cooperation with respect to teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Division, Li Yawan and the Director of the Multimedia Press, Liang Xiaoqing, also attended the meeting.

Recently, the OUC Publishing House has joined hands with the British publishing company Routledge in making a simultaneous global recommendation for Sir John Daniel's new book Mega-Schools, Technology and Teachers: Achieving Education for All.

Sir John shows us in this book how to use distance education to popularise and expand school education to achieve education for all, shares with


Vice President of the OUC, Zhang Shaogang, gave a brief introduction about the cooperation projects between OUC and other countries.


In the morning of April 28th 2010, the launching ceremony of strategic cooperation between the Open University of China Multimedia Press and the Beijing Language and Culture University Press was held in the conference center of Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). The Secretary of the Party Committee of the Open University of China (OUC), Yuan Zhiyong, and his counterpart from the BLCU, Wang Lujiang, attended the ceremony and unveiled the nameplate of the new co-established Publishing and Media Centre.

 The Open University of China, together with the Library Association of China, initiates the 2010 reading project of the China radio and TV universities Hand in Hand—A Reading Movement among Rural Youth.

The Movement will organise experts in the related fields through the Internet and other media to

At 7:49 in the morning of Wednesday 14th April 2010, a 7.1-magnitude quake struck Yushu county of the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province. The radio and TV universities (RTVUs) around the country were deeply saddened to hear of the disaster, and pulled all our strength together to provide support and assistance to Yushu Radio and TV University.