Report by Guo Xiaoxia from the Open University of China (OUC): On December 27th 2009, the OUC held the Launching Meeting of "the National Projects Supported by Science and Technology" and "the Training Programme of Psychological Disease Control and Research and Development Project on Continuing Education Resources". The objectives of the meeting were to explore the cooperative model of production, education and research on training in

At the dawn of the year 2010, President Ge Daokai and Party Committee Secretary Ruan Zhiyong of the Open University of China (OUC)sent congratulatory message to extend their New Year greetings to all the staff members and retirees engaged in the educational work in all radio and TV universities in China (CRVTUs), to all the leaders and friends from all walks of life and school alumni at home and abroad who have given their concern and support to the development of CRTVUs. The full text can be read as follows:

On 16 Dec 2009, a delegation of language experts from New Zealand came to our university for a visit. The delegation was composed of 13 experts. Zhang Shaogang, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of the OUC, Li Yawan, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchanges Division, Liang Xiaoqing, Director of the Chinese Language Center of the OUC,

The 2009 ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents was held from November 19th to 22nd, 2009 in Barcelona, Spain. Under the theme of 'Quality in the Context of the Financial Crisis', the meeting was advanced by in-depth discussions and exchanges. The ICDE Strategic Plan 2009-2012 was presented in the closing plenary session. The meeting, hosted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, was attended by eighty executives representing fifty institutions from five continents.

On the morning of November 10th 2009, the "Modern Distance Education and Life-long Learning Forum" and the "Exhibition of Ten Years' Achievements on Modern Distance Education" co-sponsored by the China Distance Education Society and the Open University of China was held in Beijing International Convention Center. More than 400 representatives and students from 69 universities involved in the distance education experiment, the Open University of China, the departments

On the morning of 17 November 2009, the unveil ceremony and symposium was held to celebrate the establishment of the Chinese Language Center of the Open University of China (the OUC). Mr. Ruan Zhiyong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the OUC, Mr. Li Linshu, the Vice President of the OUC, Zhang Shaogang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and the former Vice Director of Hanban, Professor Jiang Mingbao from BLCU (Beijing Language and Culture University), attended the symposium and the opening ceremony.


 1. The World Conference of Open University Presidents  was held in Saitama, Japan between November 14-15, 2009. Here is the Opening Ceremony, Prof. Hiromitsu Ishi is making a speech to welcome the delegates.




1. On the 3rd of November, 2009, Prof. Li Yawan, Director of International Cooperation & Exchange Division of the Open University of China participated in the AAOU Executive Committee Meeting and General Body Meeting on behalf of the OUC.