December 4, 2010 saw the "Forum on National Community Education Work" hosted by the Ministry of Education in Hangzhou. Practices and experiences in developing community education in recent years were summarized and analyzed. An in-depth analysis was made of the current state of and new opportunities in community education work, and a work plan was made on tasks for community education at present and in the future.

Lu Xin, vice minister of education, Mao Linsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)

On December 16, 2010, the Open University of China (OUC, formerly China Central Radio & TV University, CCRTVU) held a staff meeting, at which OUC President Yang Zhijian made a report on his achievements, reflected on the past five months since his inauguration, unfolded a blueprint for building the open open university, and put forward his hopes for the future of the OUC. All the members of the OUC leadership and more than 300 staff members attended the meeting, which was chaired by Vice President Ruan Zhiyong of the OUC.

The opening ceremony of the Fifth Confucius Institute Conference was held at the National Convention Center in Beijing on December 10th 2010, attracting 1400 university presidents and Confucius Institute representatives from 96 countries and regions. The theme of the two-day conference was sustainable development of the Confucius Institute.

On 14 October 2010, Ms. Gonzalez, Representative of the International Department, Open University of Catalonia (OUC), Spain, visited the Open University of China (OUC). Li Yawan, Director of the OUC International Cooperation and Exchange Division, gave her a warm reception. Yan Xiaoping, vice director of the OUC Academic Affairs Office, and Mao Dan, from the OUC Chinese Language Center, also attended the reception.

The two parties introduced the history,

The 24th AAOU (Asian Association of Open Universities) Annual Conference was held in Hanoi, Vietnam between October 26-28. This year's conference was themed "Open Distance Learning towards Building Sustainable Global Learning Communities" and sponsored by Hanoi Open University of Vietnam. 415 representatives from 22 countries and regions attended the academic exchange conference on distance education. A delegation headed by Zhang Hui, vice president of the Open University of China (OUC) attended the conference, at which the OUC was elected a member of the next AAOU Executive Committee (2011-2013).

A live 2010 student advertisement design contest among open universities was held in Tianjin by the Open University of China (OUC) between November 1-2, 2010. The first, second and third prizes were judged after heated competition and awards were presented on the site.

The 2010 Open University Student Advertisement Design Contest was officially launched in March 2010 by the OUC. The contest received responses from open universities all over the country with many students participating. 35 provincial open universities together with the OUC Experimental School and the OUC School for the Disabled recommended 644 entries,

 Vice President Zhang Shaogang of the Open University of China (OUC) met the delegation of Peruvian Fuerza 2011 headed by its party president Congresswoman Keiko Fujimori on 23 November.

Zhang Shaogang briefed the guests on the OUC, and provided more information about the "One College Student for One Village Initiative", distance education for members of the armed forces and for the disabled. Congresswoman Keiko Fujimori expressed an interest in the various forms of distance education, the curriculum system, and especially the subjects offered to rural areas, and expressed her hope to enhance cooperation with the OUC.

The afternoon of November 15 saw the OUC-TRU Joint Research Center unveiled in the Wukesong Publishing Building. The President of the Open University of China (OUC) Yang Zhijian and the New President of the Thompson Rivers University (TRU) of Canada Alan Shaver signed a statement of intent at the inauguration ceremony, and participants held discussions on the plans for cooperation.