Exhibition of Outstanding Works by Students of the Traditional Chinese Landscape Online Programme II

On 24 December 2018, an Exhibition of Outstanding Works by Students of the Traditional Chinese Landscape Online Programme sponsored by the Open University of China (OUC) was held at the OUC’s Wukesong campus.

“Our aim is to help change poverty-stricken people and to improve their lives,” Mr. Xu Shuolin, president of Aba Radio and TV University (Aba RTVU) and secretary of its Party Committee told the reporter cheerfully a few days ago while discussing the “Long March Belt” Project of the Open University of China (OUC).

Recently, on the campus of Zhejiang Radio and Television University (Zhejiang RTVU), a contest related to traditional Chinese culture has been in full swing. A series of educational films on local traditional culture were created by the RTVU, and an online competition related to its content was set up on the Zhejiang Learning Network. Nearly 10,000 students from the provincial RTVU system have participated, and it has gained a large social-media following in Zhejiang.

Nowadays, information technology, including the internet, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, is sweeping the world, affecting production, lifestyles, and more. In education, novelties such as micro-classes, MOOCs, flipped classrooms, ubiquitous learning, online education, and so on, have posed a severe challenge to traditional models, and ways of incorporating IT into education are being explored throughout China.

During Spring Festival, in order to help students with disabilities in the school enjoy a fun, happy festival, the Open University of China (OUC) Xiamen branch’s Zixuan tutorial centre carried out fund raising and activities themed around “Caring for and sending warmth to the disabled during Spring Festival” with 28 student families who are particularly poor or have multiple disabled family members in Xiangan District, Xiamen.

On 22 February 2019, the Annual Work Meeting of the Open University of China (OUC) was held in Beijing.

A densely-growing clump of bougainvillea was rippling over a corner of the garden wall in a cascade of rosy clouds – at its most appealing now, in late autumn. They immediately identified Mr. Xiao Guiquan’s home for us in the sprawling mountain village.