Nearly 70 teachers from RTVUs and open universities nationwide came to Beijing to attend the first and second advanced training classes of 2013 hosted by the OUC’s School of Agroforestry and Medicine on April 15, 2013. The classes, which include agricultural and medical training, were co-designed by the School of Education and the School of Agroforestry and Medicine.

On March 20-21, the OUC held a conference for the official launch of a pilot project to establish local colleges and study centers. A number of research proposals were discussed during the conference. The pilot project and research proposals were examined and approved in accordance with the general requirements of the OUC’s operating mechanism. During the conference, it was also decided that Tianjin Open University would be included in the pilot project.

An academic seminar about the construction of a curriculum system for the Computer Science and Technology of the OUC’s School of Engineering was held in Beijing on March 21, 2013.


Development of Open and Distance Education in 2012

In the past year, considerable progress has been made in open and distance education in China as well as in other countries.

On March 14, 2013, the Open University of China (OUC) convened a cloud classroom construction conference in Beijing. The conference included information and discussion related to the OUC cloud

The first OUC Library Academic Committee was established on February 28, 2013. Nine people were appointed as committee members.
With the aim of improving the library’s academic research and scientific decision-making process, the committee

Written by Guo Qingchun and He Dandan, Research on the Quality of Open Education at Different Teaching Venues: Analysis of the Establishment and Management of Teaching Venues in Open Education was published at the end of 2012.

The Open University of China (OUC) recently launched the RTVU system for international Chinese teacher training. The aims of the training are threefold: prepare teachers for international Chinese education within the RTVU system, facilitate the overseas expansion of  local RTVUs, and accelerate the internationalization of the OUC.