Li Xiaolu is deputy director of the office of Yichang Radio and TV University (Yichang RTVU), an associate professor for the law major, a Moral Model Yichang Teachers, and a backbone of academic research at Hubei Radio and TV University (Hubei RTVU). Over the past 14 years, she has successively served as a class counsellor for the junior college and undergraduate programmes in education for adult students with a junior college diploma to access diploma bachelor’s degree through entrance examinations and in open education

and as a class teacher for the "3 + 2" years secondary vocational education programme and full time mid-career junior college programme. She has taught thousands of students over the years.

Love RTVU education and focus on the healthy growth of students. During the period when Li Xiaolu worked as a class counsellor, she focused on the details in order to deal with her students’ complicated problems and cared for them with all her heart. She observed every student's daily life with keen eyes, helped every student to chart the most suitable learning plan for their growth, and held discussions with students to help them overcome their inferiority complex and encourage them to regain their confidence in learning, so that they could learn happily and grow healthily. Years of efforts have yielded fruitful returns. 85 percent of the students in her 2008 regular class have won a scholarship within the Hubei RTVU system; one of the adult class students has won the honorary title of “outstanding graduate” within the National RTVU system; and another student took first place in the court entrance examination in Qingshan district, Wuhan.

Love education and teaching and explore unique development paths. Li Xiaolu has been teaching for 14 years. No matter what position she has held and how heavy her management work was, she has never forgotten her duty as a teacher and has always stuck to education and teaching and has taught many law courses, such as Constitution, Civil Law, Basic Knowledge of Law, Commercial Law, Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law, and Introduction to Economic Law. She has accumulated abundant teaching experience and has developed a set of teaching methods that suit the characteristics of RTVU students. Her simple and easy-to-understand teaching model has won unanimous praise from both teachers and students. Much of her teaching experience has been gathered into teaching research papers, which have been awarded first, second, and third prizes in essay competition at the provincial and municipal levels.

Hold strong ideals and beliefs and enjoy outstanding scientific research abilities. Li Xiaolu loves scientific research and teaches in a rigorous manner. She is diligent and thoughtful, and has profound knowledge of legal theory. Since she began working at the RTVU, she has "held firm the dream and lived a regret-free life“. She is committed to legal research and has achieved a series of scientific research results in her professional field. In February 2011, right at the beginning of the new semester, she ended her maternity leave early and returned to her post less than four months after she gave birth out of a sense of responsibility in her work. She presided over research on the topic of "Introduction to Economic Law" for a multimedia open education course on the Internet of Hubei RTVU and created scientific research achievements such as textbooks, papers, and network courseware. Of these, the textbook "Introduction to Economic Law”, totaling 472,000 characters, was published by China Central Radio and TV University Press and distributed nationwide. She devoted two years to compiling the whole textbook, clarifying the general framework, screening the specific content, completing the preliminary draft, and inviting experts and scholars for three rounds of reviewing and proofreading. She also overcame many difficulties, such as separation from her husband, taking care of a young child, and complicated office work, and finally presented a textbook with the characteristics of an RTVU university, which integrates teaching materials and learning guidance and is suitable for RTVU students. It has played a guiding role in and is highly applicable to teaching and research work in adult higher education and open and distance education. The book won the Fifth Yichang Government Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award.

Pay close attention to current affairs, politics, and school development. While conducting research into law and as a young teacher, Li Xiaolu often thinks about how the RTVU should develop in the future. The research topic "On Mass Education Training in RTVUs at the Grass-roots Level" overturned the practice of paying too much attention to elite education and neglecting mass education in the traditional education model, provided a new way of thinking for the school running of the RTVUs and the method of learner development, and expanded and deepened understanding of the problem of running a RTVU in the era of popularisation of higher education. This research was awarded a Hubei RTVU system Outstanding Teaching Achievement and speeches were made on the topic in the city's education system. The online teaching and research activities of the RTVU system in the city based on the course "Legal Culture" were conducted under the auspices of more than 50 teachers and 300 students. The activities have achieved obvious results, providing a template for the further exploration and development of online teaching and research at the university.

Li Xiaolu participated in research on "Professional Ethics Construction and Socialist Core Values" for Yichang Social Sciences Federation. The main achievement of this research, "Research on Professional Ethics Construction under Socialist Core Values,” was published in the Hubei RTVU’s newspaper and was highly praised by the editor-in-chief, who said that the research results showed ingenuity and profundity and that they will provide ideas for scholars to carry similar research in the future.

Li Xiaolu has published six papers in provincial journals, including "The Guidance, Support and Service Abilities That Tutors of Open University Should Possess,” "Research on the Construction of Professional Ethics under Socialist Core Values,” and "A Brief Discussion on the Online Teaching of Jurisprudence Under the Open Education Model,” which were published in the academic journal of Hubei RTVU, "Practices and Discussions on the Online Teaching of Introductions to Economic Law", a thesis published in Legal Vision magazine, “The Innovation and Practice of Online Teaching in Open Education: Taking "Legal Culture" as an Example", a thesis published in The Guide of Science and Education magazine, and "Reflections on Improving the Legal System for Endowment Insurance in China,” which was published in Contemporary Economics magazine.

A leading example who gathers strength. Li Xiaolu's long-term adherence to teaching and scientific research has inspired more and more teachers to join the scientific research team. As a pioneer, she always does her best to pass her experiences in topic application on to other teachers. Other teachers often raised questions but no matter how busy she was, she would answer them patiently and impartially. Today, the research atmosphere of the RTVU is getting stronger and stronger. Since 2018, the university has applied for five projects from the Association of Social Sciences in Wuhan, all of which have been approved. It has applied for three projects from the Research Association of Modern Distance Education in Hubei, two of which have been approved. Scientific research work is in full swing.

Outstanding educational and teaching achievements. Due to her remarkable achievements in education and teaching, Li Xiaolu has been commended at both the provincial and municipal levels on many occasions, including:

1.In terms of teaching: Yichang Teachers Moral Model in 2018; Academic Backbone Teacher of Hubei RTVU in 2015; third prize in the Teachers' Moral Speech Competition of Yichang Education Bureau in 2008; second prize in the teaching reflection essay contest of Hubei RTVU in 2009; third prize for outstanding teaching achievements at Hubei RTVU in 2012; third prize in the online teaching innovation and practice essay contest of Hubei RTVU in 2015; second prize for online teaching innovation and practice of open education system from Hubei RTVU in the year of 2016; Yichang RTVU Outstanding Counsellor in 2006; Hubei RTVU Outstanding Counsellor in 2009; Yichang RTVU Outstanding teacher in 2013; Outstanding Cadre of the Communist Youth League of Yichang Education Bureau in 2011 and from 2013-2015; Outstanding Communist Party Member of Yichang RTVU in 2014; Outstanding Communist Party Member of Yichang Education Bureau in 2015 and 2017; Outstanding Party Affairs Worker of Yichang Education Bureau in 2018.

2.In terms of Research: Expert in online courses by the National Digital Learning Resource Centre in 2012; Yichang City Fifth Government Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award in 2016; first prize in the essay contest on the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China from Yichang Education Bureau in 2008; second prize in the essay contest on Teacher's Ethics Literature from Yichang Education Bureau in 2015; advanced worker of Education and Information Publicity Work in Yichang in 2015.

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