Tang Yiting is an associate professor, and a member of the China Medical Education Association. Since July 2002, she has been a course leader in Nursing, Pharmacy and other majors at the Open University of China (OUC), involved in distance teaching and teaching management. Since 2008, she has served as the head of the Department of Medicine and dean of the School of Medicine.

Ms. Tang loves distance education and is devoted to teaching and reform in Nursing. She has a firm commitment to national education policy, loves her work, and is a model for teachers. Her focus is on "student-centric" and employer-needs-based training, and she has a strong grasp of her field and of the nature of distance education, making use of information technology for curriculum and assessment reform. At the same time, she is involved in resource construction as well as teaching organization and assessment. In her nearly 11 years of leading the Department of Medicine, she has worked in a conscientious and responsible manner on teaching reform, applying for the right to confer degrees, and other areas significant to the construction of the major.

In terms of resource construction, she teaches in accordance with the aptitudes of her students, paying special attention to older students and those living in underdeveloped areas, and showing them both how and why things are done the way they are. She bases her teaching on what students already know, makes sure that they understand how theory combines with practice, and gives them means of studying independently and undertaking self-assessment through review questions and exercises. The first edition of Medical Biochemistry, which she helped edit, has been printed three times in 30,000 copies.

Ms. Tang is involved in the construction of online courses and resources, as well as the practical aspects of teaching. She has designed experiments for online courses in order to make them more interesting, not only enhancing the perceptual awareness of students and their initiative, but also solving the problem of lack of teachers in remote areas by making use of distance teaching. In 2009, Medical Biochemistry was named a “national top-quality course”. In order to meet the needs of further teaching reforms in the major, a new version of the online course was put into trial use in 2017, with the online teaching team implemented simultaneously. As of June 2018, a total of 15,000 students have registered for it.

In terms of new digital media, Ms. Tang completed an all-media digital textbook in January 2017 for the OUC Cloud Library, available for download via a QR code. Its paper version has been printed five times in nearly 20,000 copies.

Since 2006, Ms. Tang has been exploring network-based assessment reform, breaking down assessment tasks to enable students to learn in stages and use multiple assessment formats. In the trial phrase, in spring 2018, 7,399 students from OUC’s 33 branches enrolled in courses, and showed higher pass rates of the final exams of four semesters compared to previous years, with strong levels of both student and teacher satisfaction.

She has led the online-teaching team to share teaching experiences and ensure the smooth operation of online courses, seeking to constantly enhance teaching, learning, evaluation, supervision and feedback. Ms. Tang has always provided students with numerous forms of support, including classroom discussions and online meetings, to help them study independently.

Since 2006, through her experience with both online and face-to-face teaching, Tang Yiting has been able to help students with their motivation and to provide them with emotional and psychological support, gaining valuable teaching experience through this interaction as well. The results of 185 questionnaires distributed to Beijing, Anhui, Xi'an and Heilongjiang provinces in March 2011, and 53 questionnaires sent to students in 2017, showed that they appreciated what Ms. Tang had done to solve their problems.

Improvement and innovation in teaching are important to Ms. Tang. She has OUC teachers share their research, and has conducted her own studies of OUC five-year plans; has published 13 papers, been given six awards by the Ministry of Education, the OUC, and higher levels, and been awarded with the honour of “Advanced Individual” of the OUC School of Medicine for six years in a run, received the prize of “Famous Young Teacher” for Colleges and Universities in Beijing, second of the kind.

By OUC Voice WeChat Official Account