Lin Zeyin, a deputy to the Beichen District People's Congress and secretary of the General Party Branch of Baocui Huadu Community, is also a National Advanced Individual in the Fight Against Covid-19, a National March-8th Red-banner Pacesetter, and a Top 100 National Ordinary-citizen Learning Star. More importantly, she is an intimate daughter of the community's elderly, and "an angel older sister" of all its residents.

Advancing against hardships for the sake of community service

Lin Zeyin does her best at work, and always faces difficulties squarely. Aware of her shortcomings in management, she enrolled in Administration at the Beichen branch of Tianjin Radio and TV University (RTVU) in 2011, which established her connection to the Open University of China (OUC).

Lin always puts the needs of the residents first in her community work. She says, “It is essential for me to do my best to serve everyone.”

Over 14 years, Lin Zeyin has put her heart and soul into her job, working an average of 17 hours a day. Her selfless dedication has been recognised by the residents and commended by higher-level Party organisations. In 2020, she was named a National March-8th Red-banner Pacesetter; in 2021, a National Excellent Communist Party Member; and on 1 July 2021, she was invited to attend the ceremony celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China. Dressed in the traditional costume of her nationality, this farmer’s daughter of the Buyi ethnic group ascended the Tian’anmen rostrum in reward for her efforts and conviction.

Courageously exploring new forms of community management

During her years of work in the community, Lin Zeyin created an innovative service system: "five things to do frequently and five things to deliver".

The first is to knock on the doors of empty-nesters frequently to ensure they are being cared for. She has organised 15 volunteer teams and 6 reciprocal-assistance groups to visit 256 empty-nesters every day.

The second is to drop in frequently on families in need to help with their problems. She has helped 4,050 unemployed women and single mothers find jobs, and formulated an approach of “the disabled helping the disabled” to encourage disabled persons to participate in community services.

The third is to knock on the doors of people in need of comfort, communication and guidance. Lin Zeyin is focused on meeting the diverse needs of residents.

The fourth is to guard the gates of residential areas with patrol teams to enhance the sense of security in the community.

The fifth is to provide recreational activities including choir, Beijing opera, and sports, along with weekly or monthly lectures and performances.

In 2020, her service system was promoted in the City of Tianjin as a practical example of community governance led by the Party building in Tianjin.

Keeping the community safe from Covid-19

In 2020, facing Covid-19, Lin Zeyin took protection of resident safety as her primary responsibility.

She took part in quickly setting up a temporary Party branch for infection control, made up of Party members directly administered by the community, Party members from departments directly under the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, and in-service Party members. Party members directly administered by the community, in-service Party members, community workers, and property-management employees came together to control community entries and exits around the clock.

With the help of Party members inspired by her, as well as community staff, the community was kept harmonious and safe.

Such work may seem trivial to outsiders. Yet Lin Zeyin dreams of doing ordinary things well, of serving the residents, and contributing to the community.

By OUC News Network