A Symposium on Education for older adults by the Open University of China (OUC) was held on October 25-26, 2014 in Chengdu, China. The symposium focused on how to respond to the Ministry of Education, who is leading a special campaign on investigation and research tasks related to the National Development Plan on the Education for Older Adults (2016-2020), and discussed relevant topics on the planned subject of “Study of Education for Older Adults” for the OUC from 2012-2014.

With a topic of “Depth, Optimization, and Intensification — The Reform and Development of International Chinese Teachers’ Training,” The Fourth International Chinese Teacher Training Forum was held at the Open University of China (OUC) on October 24 and 25.


From September 18 to 20, 2014, the Open University of China (OUC) held the Open Online Course Development and Operation Seminar and First Sino-Norwegian Senior Seminar on MOOC. 56 participants from 18 open universities and Radio and TV Universities (RTVUs), colleges/universities, education/training institutions, and education software companies nationwide attended the Seminar, with 52 of them successfully completing the seminar.

Organized by Hong Kong, Macao, and the Taiwan Office under the Ministry of Education, co-organized by the Open University of China (OUC) and the Greater China Youth (www.GCyouth.net), Chinese History Website Experts Symposium was recently held in the OUC. Chinese History Website was founded and led by Liu Naiqiang, a member of the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of HKSAR and organizer of Greater China Youth Online.

On Oct. 9, 2014, in order to further enhance the quality of online course building, identify the significance of the trial operation of the online course, clarify procedures for the work, and to promote the nationwide trial operation of the online course in the autumn of 2014, the Open University of China (OUC) held a work summary and seminar on the building and trial operation of the online course during the spring of 2014.

On September 22, 2014, the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation, Mr. Wang Mingang, visited The Open University of China (OUC). The Party Secretary of the OUC Li Ling, Vice President of the OUC Liu Chen, and relevant department heads held a discussion with Wang Mingang about the cooperation between Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation and the OUC.

On 2 September 2014, a teacher discussion and training meeting for the autumn semester of 2014 was held in Beijing Experimental School. The meeting summarized the implementation of teaching strategies from the spring semester of 2014, and outlined teaching objectives for the autumn semester of 2014 and current state of progress. Tutors, teaching staff, and tutoring directors of Beijing Experimental School attended the meeting.

During the celebration of the 30th annual Teachers’ Day, the Ministry of Education, in harmony with “Decision on Honoring Excellent Teachers and Excellent Educators in the Nation” (Department of Personnel, MOE, No. 3 [2014]), announced 1,798 "excellent" teachers and 200 "excellent" educators who had been selected to receive this national honor for 2014.

According to “MOE’s Decision about Approving 2014 Award Winning Projects of State-level Teaching Achievement” (No. 8, Teachers, 2014), two of the OUC’s teaching projects have won state-level awards. According to the terms set forth in the “Regulation on Teaching Achievement Awards” published by the State Council, a total of 1,320 projects have been approved in 2014 by the State Council to win state-level teaching achievement awards, among which five projects were evaluated as worthy of special awards for state-level teaching achievements, 148 were awarded first prizes, and 1,167 awarded second prizes.

On 24 September 2014, Beijing Educational Evaluation Institute visited the Open University of China (OUC) to conduct a survey. The survey aims to assess the development and construction situation since the establishment of the OUC was approved by the State; investigate if the current running mechanism can guarantee the overall operation of the OUC and meet the need for undergraduate teaching; and find out if there is an institutional guarantee for the OUC’s orientation.