Recently, the OUC's electromechanical teaching workshop was convened in Tai’an, Shandong Province. Chen Ji, Vice President of Shandong RTVU, and Yuan Wei, Deputy Director of the School of Engineering of the OUC, together with more than 60 administrative employees and distinguished teachers from the electromechanical programme of the OUC’s branches and subsidiary learning centres attended the workshop.

The OUC's first legal forum, with the theme OUC Legal Education Research & Thinking, was held in Beijing on May 27, 2014, in time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Department of Law. Doctor Yang Zhijian, President of the OUC and Vice Chairman of China’s Law Education Research Association, together with Mr. Li Ling, Vice President of the OUC, Mr. Yan Bing, Vice President of the OUC and Director of the Teachers’ Excellent Thesis Reviewing Committee of the legal curriculum, Mr. Zhang Shaogang, Vice President of the OUC, and Professor Han Jing, Director of the OUC Reviewing Committee for the Law Degree attended the forum. 

The 2014 National Community Education Workshop was convened in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, on May 28th. Its main content included exploring the teaching methods and working mechanism of community education, arranging work related to the “satisfaction survey on community education of the Ministry of Education (MOE)”, and discussing the construction of the Community Education Experimental Centre (Base) of the Open University of China (OUC).

More than 70 teachers who teach classes related to computer science at branches across the country gathered together in Chengdu to attend the OUC's teaching seminar on computer science from May 8th to 9th of 2014.

The HSK test centre at the Open University of China (OUC) successfully held its first New HSK test at the Weigongcun campus on May 10, 2014, signifying the formal launch of its test centre. 

108 people successfully registered for the test, which was held across eight examination rooms, covering four HSK levels and three HSKK levels. On the day of the test, special staff has been assigned to meet the examinees and guide them to the examination rooms.

On March 16, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed between the OUC and the Yantai Chinese Culture Promotion in China’s Inkstone Culture Exhibition Centre. The ceremony’s attendees included Zhang Li, the Honorary President of the Yantai Chinese Culture Promotion and former Deputy Chief of the PLA General Staff Headquarters; Liu Hongjun, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, former Deputy Commander of the People’s Armed Police and President of the Yantai Chinese Culture Promotion; Lieutenant General and OUC President Yang Zhijian, and Assistant to the President Liu Chen.

On March 7, 2014, a silk banner reading “Good education is like a spring breeze and rain, brining help like fuel delivered in the snow,” and a letter of thanks, were presented by a relative of a student to the Academic Affairs Department of the Open University of China(OUC). The banner and letter expressed the family’s appreciation to the department.  

On March 25th, the Ministry of Education (MOE) held its 2014 vocational education and continuing education conference in Beijing. With the theme of speeding up the construction of the employment-oriented modern vocational education system, the conference promoted the objective that vocational and adult education should advocate and implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, should implement the goals put forwarded by the government work report and the executive meeting of the State Council, and deepen the reform and innovation of vocational education and continuing education.

Recently the Ministry of Education (MOE) website released “2014's Main Points for Education Digitization” (shortened as “the Main Points”). In the release, the working ideas, working approach, core target, and key points of the education digitization work in 2014 were clearly put forward. The OUC, which is directly under the MOE, will undertake three important projects outlined in the directive.

The outstanding audio-visual teaching series Lectures on Chinese Culture and The History of Chinese Literature have been selected as open classes for the China E-Learning Academy for Leadership (hereinafter referred to as the “Academy”). The courses were added to the website of the Academy a few days ago. The two courses will play a unique role in cultivating a taste for culture and improving the quality of educational training for national leaders.