Issues in 2013
- Lessons Learnt from New Zealand, a Pioneer in Establishing National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning
- Enhancing “ICT Teaching” in English Schools: Vital Lessons
- Learning Outcomes Validation and Management Bodies for Lifelong Learning
- Older Adults’ Distance Learning: A Survey Study on Older Adults in Shanghai
- Factors Influencing Students’ Perceptions of Online Education Service Quality
- Open University Education Paradigms: Implications from OUHK, City U, and CCRTVU
- Research and Development Trend of Mini Courses: A Systematic Analysis
- Mini Courses: Production and Application
- OTT TV Application in Education in the Context of Three-network Convergence
- The Construction and Operation of Urban Learning Network: A Case Study of Wenzhou
- Abstract
- European Qualifications Framework and Cross-Country Credit Recognition Systems
- The New Normal of Online, Blended and Distance Learning: The Massey University Experience
- Formulating Learning Outcomes Framework for Chinese Learning Credit Banks From the Perspective of Qualifications Framework
- New Developments in E-learning: Dual Innovations in Learning Cultures and Learning Paradigms
- Using Videos to Transform Students’ Learning Style
- Factors influencing Learning Motivation of Distance Learners
- Community Online Learning Behaviours: an Empirical Study of the Users of JS-Study Online
- Computer-Assisted Chinese Proficiency Test: Strategies for Improvement
- Building Mobile Learning Capacity in Higher Education: E-books and iPads®
- On the Development of Open University Libraries
- Design and Development of Training Videos for Kindergarten Teachers
- Abstract

- Seven Tasks for Building Lifelong Learning’s Lijiaoqiao: Informed by Hong Kong’s Experiences
- Quality Assurance Guidelines for Open Educational Resources: TIPS Framework
- Online Teaching Quality Evaluation Based on Cloud Model
- Towards a Region-specific Lifelong Learning Evaluation Index System: the Case of Tianjin, China
- Trends in Building Open Universities in China
- Lessons Learnt from Legislation of Lifelong Learning outside China
- A Survey of Adult Learners’ Mobile Learning
- The Efficacy of Proactive Learning Support: A Case Study on Efforts to Retain Online Adult English Learners
- A Study on Key Factors of Flipped Classroom Learning Model
- A Model of Practical Teaching for Advertisement Design Programs in Open and Distance Education: Construction and Implementation
- Educational Technology Competency Training for Primary and Secondary School Teachers from the Perspective of Educational Ecology
- A Tentative Analysis of Course Team Mechanism in Developing Distance Learning Courses
- A Survey of Online Open Courses: Use and Demands among University Students
- Using Call Center Technologies to Build a Learning Support Platform
- Evaluating Ubiquitous Learning Environments from the Perspective of Meaningful Learning
- Abstract
- Establishing Lifelong Learning Qualifications Framework: International Development and Comparative Analysis
- Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Moving towards a Framework for Efficacy and Sustainability
- Interaction in Distance Education in China: Research Review
- A Review of Learning Modes with Changing Information Acquisition Channels
- Application of Cloud Model Theory in Online Courses Satisfaction Survey
- Use of Hypermedia Annotation Technology to Improve English Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Acquisition: Experimental Verification of Mayer’s Spatial Contiguity Principle in Multimedia Information Design
- Characteristics of Disabled Learners in Distance Education
- Good Blog-based Informal Learners: A Case Study
- Course-specific BBS Interaction of Students from Different Colleges
- Key Factors Analysis of a Course Delivery Team in the Virtual Environment
- Teacher-teacher Interaction at State Benchmark Course Websites
- Collaborative Learning Platform for College Virtual Project Teams in Ubiquitous Network Environment
- Virtual Experiment and Real Life Experiment: A Comparative Study of the Course Network Foundation and Application
- Online Courses in Western Regions: Instructional Design and Development
- Strategies for Designing Mobile Learning Resources Informed by Cognitive Load Theory
- Abstract
- The Core of Lifelong Learning: Connotations, Evolution and Standards of Information Literacy
- A Review of Online Learning Literature in China and Its Implications
- Mobile Learning: Practice, Development and Implications for China — An interview with Martin Smith
- A Study of the Development Model of OpenLearn, UKOU
- Open Schooling at the Commonwealth of Learning: Achievements and Reflections
- A Survey on the State Benchmarked Course Program at Its 10th Anniversary
- A Study on the Operation Mechanism of Course-Specific Teaching Teams in Distance Education
- Statistical Analysis and Data Mining of Dropout Rate in Distance Education in China: A Case Study of Southwest Jiaotong University Network Education Institute
- Developing a Framework for Fostering Open University Students’ Capabilities
- Research on Factors Impacting on the Use of Sakai Platform
- Constructing a Public Service Platform to Meet the Army’s Demand for Lifelong Learning
- Towards a Design Framework for Mobile Learning System
- 3D Printing and Its Use in Education
- Abstract
- Overcoming the “Distance Education Deficit” through Proactive Motivational Support Developing Excellence in Personalised Integrated Learning Support
- Learning Credit Bank from the Perspective of Content Analysis: Research Review
- The Agreement between Content Design and Learning Objectives Design in Online Courses: A Case Study of C Programming in Three Online Institutions
- Individualized Learning Supported by Instructional Videos in the Networked Era
- From Virtual Learning Communities to Micro Blogs: An Interaction Perspective
- Instructional Strategies in Open Universities: A Perspective from the Local Learning Centers
- Formative Assessment Marking from an Asynchronous Instruction Perspective: Quality Issues
- Pre-Service Teacher Training Using Video Annotation Technology
- Instructional Design Skills Development for Pre-Service English Teachers from an Ecological Teaching Perspective
- Open Source Learning Management System Based on Cloud Service Structure
- Application of Concept Map Theory in Mobile Learning
- Chinese Language Learning Resources in Digital Publishing
- Abstract

- Quality Assurance of E-learning in the Bologna Process and its Implications
- A Study on the Institutional System of the Open University of China: Its Construction Features and Content Framework
- The Radio and Television Universities System in the New Era: Reflection and Reconstruction
- Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy
- A Study on the Assessment of Adult Online Academic Emotions
- A Survey of Online Higher Education Graduates’ Learning Needs
- Improving Mobile Reading from the Perspective of Cognitive Load
- Towards an Integrative Instructional Model for Online Courses
- Enhancing the Creativity of Teaching Teams for Distance Education Courses from the Perspective of Complex System Theories
- Designing Distance Education Curriculum for the Disabled from the Perspective of Learner Characteristics
- Designing a Repository of Quality Online Teaching Resources for Higher Vocational Education Institutions
- An Empirical Analysis of the Components of Personalized Learning Environments for University Students
- Distance Computer-adaptive Testing of Reading Proficiency in HSK
- Studio Interactive Video Technology and its Application in Distance Education
- Abstract

- Learning Credit Bank Research and Practice in China
- Learning Credit Accumulation in Lifelong Learning
- Schooling System of the Open University of China with the Guidance of Self-organizing Theory
- Quality Framework of Student Administration in Open and Distance Education
- Triangular Quality Assurance Model of Open and Distance Education in the UK
- Community Education Abroad and its Implications for China
- Social Presence Effectiveness for Learning
- Online Learning Behaviour of College Students: an Empirical Study
- Blended Learning: Research and Practice
- Preschool Education Program: an Experimental Practice in Teaching Mode
- Teachers’ Collaborative Learning Supported by Social Software
- SMAP: a Dynamic Learning Recommendation Tool Based on Felder-Silverman Learning Style
- Multimedia Instructional Environment Design Based on Augmented Reality
- Abstract

- Digitization, Standardization, Specialization, and Branding: Development Mode of Guangzhou E-Learning Hub
- Regional Online Community for Teacher Professional Development: Transformation of Distance Training Model for Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Guangzhou
- E-Learning and the Effectiveness of Labor Union: A Case Study of Guangzhou General Labor Union
- From dLearning to mLearning: Changes in the Research Scenario in China
- Connecting Different Types of Education from the Perspective of Open Education: Practice and Research
- What Can China’s Open University System Learn from American Multi-campus Universities?
- Ten Suggestions for Improving Academic Research in Education and Technology
- Curriculum Planning and Teaching Mechanism for Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
- Reforming the Instruction Model for General Education Courses: A Case Study of Taizhou Radio & Television University
- An Applied Research on Workflow Technology in Online Courseware Development Management System: A Case of Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Online Education Institute
- Task-driven Learning Quality Assurance Mechanism: Exploring Open University Model and Mechanism for Effective Learning
- Towards a Blended Learning Model Based on Deep Learning Theory: Practice and Research
- Researching a Mobile Learning Framework from the Perspective of Lifelong Learning Theory
- Teachers’ Expected Roles and Actual Behaviors in Distance English Learning: Perspectives from Teachers and Learners
- A Study on the Roles and Effectiveness of Facilitators’ Support in a Blended Mode of School-based Teacher Professional Development
- Abstract