- Social Networking Analysis Supported by Open Source Tool: A Case Study of NodeXL
- A Study of Measuring Model for Information Resources of China Higher Education Based on Affluent Coefficient of Information Resources
- Learning Support Technology: Design and Implementation with the Use of Personality-OCC Model
- A China’s Perspective on Constructing Credit Bank Service for Continuing Education
- A Study of Research on Strategies for Cultivating Core Competencies of Chinese Open Universities: Defects and Solutions
- A Review of Publications in Mobile Learning in Key International Journals: Statistics and Quantitative Analysis
- Network-based Personalized Learning Model: Construction and Optimization
- A Survey of Vocational Preference of Online Higher Education Students in China
- Teaching Staff Categories and Competence Requirements at Nederlands Talen Instituut: Implications for China
- A Study of Interaction Strategies in Online Learning Community of Teacher Professional Development: Lessons Learnt from e-Mentoring for Student Success Project
- Using Generative Learning Resources to Train Lead Teachers in Basic Education: An Online Training Model
- Towards a Multi-level and Multi-dimension Teaching Quality Assurance System to Encourage Teacher Professional Development: Lessons Learnt from Xi’an Radio & TV University
- Learner Support Standards at Learning Center: A Management Perspective
- GeoOutsideExplorer: An Inquiry Learning System Based on U-Learning Theory
- An E-portfolio Approach to Assessing Animation Works
- A Close Fit between Cultural Consciousness and Community Education: The Case of Wenzhou
- Abstract