
Teaching methods and technical means of CEE in China are developing in diverse directions
With the rapid development of technology and the market economy, face-to-face CEE teaching is changing to incorporate more problem-solving and collaborative learning. CEE involves multilateral cooperation. Aside from the industry-university-research organizational form, CEE also uses the forms of practical system, apprenticeship, and scientific panels to train the young. With the emergence of multimedia network technology, printed materials are giving way to multimedia teaching materials. Network teaching methods, individualized methods, multimedia self-directed learning methods and other modern teaching methods have changed the learning means and methods of businesses and individuals, and quality teaching resources are maximized through sharing. Thus, the goal of lifelong learning is realized.

Information technology teaching methods are becoming increasingly important in CEE in China
The widespread application of modern information technology has enabled the development of new trends in individual learning, online teaching and distance education. The building of a CEE network platform will meet the development needs of individuals as well as enterprises. It will be the place to share human resource development, make technical exchanges, share high-quality resources, and also carry out large-scale training, remote training, and new technology training. Using a variety of teaching methods supported by modern information technology, we can develop different teaching resources and carry out a variety of teaching methods to organize training based on the training content, and thus can make use of a variety of training modes of CEE.


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