From 12th to 13th June 2024, the Open University of China (OUC) organised a training event on student status and degree management.

Liu Qing, member of the Party Committee and vice president of Qinghai Open University, attended the event. Over 120 personnel responsible for student status and degree management from 44 branches and 18 colleges participated. The event was presided over by Bao Yunli, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Department of the OUC.

The meeting emphasised that the OUC's educational system serves a vast student population, requiring high-quality student status and degree management services that are efficient, precise, and of superior quality to meet student satisfaction. This is in active response to the two historical propositions of "A Leading Country in Education, the Role of Open Universities" and "Open Education and a Learning-oriented Society." Specifically, the following tasks were highlighted: firstly, to strengthen learning, deeply understand, and strictly implement all regulations regarding student status and degrees; secondly, to optimise services, efficiently respond to reasonable student requests, and enhance student satisfaction; thirdly, to standardise management, enforce responsibilities, and prevent and resolve risks.

Responsible officials from the Student Status Management Section, Degree Office of the OUC's Academic Affairs Department, and the Legal Affairs Section of the General Office of Party and Administration conducted thematic training and shared their experiences, focusing on their respective business areas and common issues.

The participants unanimously agreed that the training content was closely related to actual work and provided important guidance for subsequent student status and degree management tasks. In the next step, all branches and colleges will strictly implement the headquarters' requirements and organise their own internal student status and degree training activities in the near future. This will promote the high-quality development of student status and degree management within the educational system and effectively enhance student satisfaction.


By Academic Affairs Department, OUC

Photos by Qinghai Open University