Recently, the Beijing Education Commission announced the results of the 2023 selection event for various educational initiatives, including quality undergraduate courses, teaching materials, and courseware for Beijing higher education institutions, as well as the Beijing Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Innovation Programme.

The Open University of China (OUC) received two awards. The course "Android Smart Phone Programming," led by Wang Li from the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the Open University of China (OUC), has been recognised as a 2023 Quality Undergraduate Course by Beijing's higher education institutions. Additionally, the project "Integration of Industry and Education to Enhance Undergraduate Teaching in Open Education," spearheaded by Sun Hongfei, the dean of the OUC Experimental School, has received approval as a Teaching Reform and Innovation Programme.

Since 2019, the Beijing Education Commission has initiated the implementation of various undergraduate teaching projects, progressively expanding the range of recommended and selected projects in the realm of continuing education. The awards conferred at the municipal level in Beijing serve as a testament to the phased accomplishments that the Open University of China (OUC) has made in both learner development and pedagogical innovation. Seizing this momentum, the OUC remains committed to its strategic objective of "achieving excellence and enhancing quality." It will consistently invest effort in elevating its educational and instructional standards, with the ultimate aim of catalyzing high-quality advancements in education and teaching.