In order to teach efficient use of the digital library, and promote digital reading, the Open University of China (OUC) provided online training and promotion to freshmen from 22 October to 17 November 2020.

It included six lectures of two parts each, one for training and one for promotion, titled “Introduction to the digital library and digital reading”, “Logging onto and using the OUC digital library, resource navigation, and one-stop searches”, “Using the database”, “Reading and life”, “Appreciation of classic works – Zong Pu and her Wild Gourd and Spain in My Eyes”, and “Reading and sharing for happiness”.

The sessions were accessed 5095 times, with the first attended by over 1500 students. As part of freshman orientation, their purpose was to teach new students how to make use of the library and its digital resources efficiently, along with giving them good study habits and expanding their horizons.



By OUC Learning Resources Department (Digital Library)