Recently, Bayi School of the Open University of China (OUC) officially launched its "Dream Building Plan for the Employment of Veterans." The plan is designed to build an employment bridge between enterprises and veterans, aiming to open up a "one-stop" employment channel to address veterans’ employment issues.

The "Dream Building Plan for the Employment of Veterans" is designed as a public welfare programme which will serve all veterans. They can log into Bayi School’s website or use a mobile to scan the QR code needed to register and view suitable job positions. At the same time, the platform also allows users to view interview or employment processes in real time. Bayi School will actively negotiate with large and medium-sized state-owned and foreign-funded enterprises with vacancies, as well as those that are sympathetic to veteran officers, to help fill their talent needs. To date, large and medium-sized enterprises such as BOE and Huilongsen International Enterprise Incubator (Beijing) Co., Ltd. have joined the plan.

In order to better serve veterans and enterprises, and build a more open communication channel, Bayi School will hold a special recruitment fair for both groups. Many enterprises will be invited to the fair and heads of enterprises who come to the fair will have face-to-face meetings with job seekers. The school will also carry out regular training for non-commissioned officers which will cover job hunting methods, professional skills, interview skills, and information regarding labor laws, etc. To successfully recruit non-commissioned officers, the school will also conduct follow-up tracking services and pay regular return visits to get to know if they are suitable for the position. 

                                                                                                                      By Yu Lanrui, Bayi School