Guest Profile

Chen Qingzhou, who enrolled in a Secretarial Studies Program at Xiamen City Radio and TV University in 1991, now serves as a researcher at the Jimei Branch of Xiamen City Public Security Bureau. He has been awarded individual first-class merit once, second-class merit twice, and third-class merit twice. Chen has been hailed as the "The Beacon Officer" and the "Devoted Officer Who Stays True to the Original Aspiration." In December 2016, he was honoured as a "Role Model of the Times" by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and was granted the title of "First-Class Hero Model" by the Ministry of Public Security.

Q: What was your original intention for choosing to study at the OUC?

A: Due to financial constraints at home, I left school after completing junior high. Later, as a city worker, I keenly felt the lack of my own knowledge. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a yearning for learning, I earned my high school diploma through two years of adult education. After another two years of preparation, I passed the adult college entrance examination and was admitted to the OUC, then known as the China Central Radio and TV University.

Q: What was the most valuable thing you gained during your studies at the university?

A: Our teachers were diligent and dedicated, teaching us to apply our knowledge in practice. The most crucial skills I learned were official document writing, investigative research, and fundamental methods for analysing life and work issues. These are the most precious assets I acquired from the OUC.

Q: What blessings do you wish for the university on its 45th anniversary?

A: Over the past 40 years, the OUC has nurtured a multitude of professionals who have achieved remarkable success across diverse industries. It is common to hear heartwarming tales of our alumni excelling and making a difference in their respective fields. I anticipate the OUC's continued growth and success, fostering an ever-increasing number of skilled individuals and contributing ever more profoundly to societal advancement.