In 1977, China urgently needed a large number of specialised professionals to support its economic and social development. At the same time, there were rapid advancements in international distance education. During a meeting with former UK Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath, who was visiting China, Comrade Deng Xiaoping learned about the UK's experience in establishing the Open University using modern methods such as television. Deng Xiaoping emphasised the need to accelerate the development of China’s educational efforts through television. Thanks to Deng Xiaoping's strong initiative and advocacy, the preparations for establishing the Radio and TV Universities progressed rapidly.


In 1977, Deng Xiaoping proposed that "Education still needs to walk on two legs."

On 8 August 1977, during a round-table discussion on scientific and educational work, Deng Xiaoping stated, "Education still needs to walk on two legs. Universities and colleges represent one leg of higher education, while various forms of part-time and amateur universities represent the other. We need to walk on both legs."


Round-Table Meeting on Scientific and Educational Work


In 1977, Deng Xiaoping made it clear to accelerate the development of China's educational efforts by means of television.

In October 1977, Deng Xiaoping met with visiting former UK Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath in China. Heath shared the UK's experience in establishing the Open University that utilised modern methods such as television. Deng Xiaoping expressed his intention to use television to accelerate the development of China's educational efforts.


      On 19 October 1977, Deng Xiaoping met with the visiting former UK Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath.


In 1977, the plan and ideas were proposed for preparing to establish the TV universities.

On 12 December 1977, the Ministry of Education and the Central Broadcasting Bureau submitted a "Request for Instructions on Establishing Television Education" in conjunction with the launch of three television education lectures. The submission included plans and proposals for preparing to establish the TV universities.


Request for Instructions on Establishing Television Education


In 1978, Deng Xiaoping initiated and endorsed the establishment of the Radio and TV Universities.

On 6 February 1978, Deng Xiaoping endorsed the "Request for Instructions on Preparations to Establish the TV Universities" with his handwritten "approval".


Deng Xiaoping’s handwritten "approval" on the "Request for Instructions on Preparations to Establish the TV Universities"


In 1978, Deng Xiaoping proposed that "Measures should be formulated to accelerate the development of modern educational tools such as television and radio."

On 22 April 1978, at the National Conference on Education, Deng Xiaoping stated, "Measures should be formulated to accelerate the development of modern educational tools such as television and radio. This is an important way to advance the educational cause with greater, faster, better, and more economical results, and it must be given full attention."


The National Education Conference

In 1978, the National Conference on Radio and TV Universities was convened.

On 3 December 1978, the first National Conference on Radio and TV Universities was convened. Fang Yi, the then vice premier, addressed the conference, emphasising the use of modern means to enhance the scientific and cultural level of the entire Chinese nation. He highlighted TV universities as the most effective modern tool for achieving this goal.


Fang Yi addressed the National Conference on Radio and TV Universities.