In 2010, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council explicitly proposed "vigorously developing modern distance education" and "successfully operating the open universities." This marked the beginning of a new development phase for the construction of the Open University of China (OUC).


In 2009, Chen Xi attended the National Conference of Secretaries and Presidents of Radio and TV Universities.

In March 2009, Chen Xi attended the National Conference of Secretaries and Presidents of Radio and TV Universities (RTVUs) and delivered a speech.


Chen Xi delivered a speech at the National Conference of Secretaries and Presidents of RTVUs.


In 2010, the CCRTVU was included in the special reform pilot programme for "improving the quality of higher education talent training."

In October 2010, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice titled "On the Launch of National Education System Reform Pilot Programme." This notice included the China Central Radio and TV University (CCRTVU) in a special reform pilot programme aimed at "improving the quality of higher education talent training."


"On the Launch of National Education System Reform Pilot Programme"


In 2012, the Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of the OUC based on the CCRTVU.

On 21 June 2012, the Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of the OUC based on the CCRTVU.


"Ministry of Education's Approval for the Establishment of the OUC Based on the CCRTVU"


In 2012, the OUC was inaugurated.

The inauguration of the OUC took place on 31 July 2012 at the Great Hall of the People. Liu Yandong, then state councilor, was present to unveil the plaque for the OUC and delivered an important speech during the event.


The OUC was inaugurated.


In 2014, the "New Industry Workers Training and Development Support Plan" was implemented.

In 2014, the "New Industry Workers Training and Development Support Plan" was implemented, targeting the modern manufacturing and service industries.


Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement between the OUC and the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions


In 2015, the OUC was approved as a bachelor’s degree-awarding institution.

In 2015, the Beijing Municipal Degree Committee issued the notice "On Approving the OUC as a Bachelor's Degree-Awarding Institution."


Expert Review Meeting for the OUC's Application to be Authorised as a Bachelor's Degree Awarding Institution


In 2016, the "Migrant Workers' Education and Capacity Improvement Action Plan –Realising Dreams of Further Education" was launched.

In 2016, the "Migrant Workers' Education and Capacity Improvement Action Plan – Realising Dreams of Further Education" was launched.


The OUC has launched the "Migrant Workers' Education and Capacity Improvement Action Plan – Realising Dreams of Further Education."


In 2017, the OUC was awarded the ICDE Institutional Prize of Excellence.

In 2017, the OUC was awarded the sole ICDE Institutional Prize of Excellence.


The OUC awarded the sole ICDE Institutional Prize of Excellence.


In 2017, the OUC Learning Centre in Zambia was established.

On 18 October 2017, the first overseas learning centre of the OUC, the OUC Learning Centre in Zambia, was established.


The OUC Learning Centre in Zambia was established.


In 2018, the OUC won the first prize for the National Teaching Achievement Awards for Vocational Education.

In 2018, the project titled "Systematic Construction of a National Credit Bank System for Vocational Education" from the OUC won the first prize for the National Teaching Achievement Awards for Vocational Education.


The project titled "Systematic Construction of a National Credit Bank System for Vocational Education" from the OUC received the first prize for the National Teaching Achievement Awards for Vocational Education.