There exists a unique style of university whose students are military officers and soldiers protecting our homes and defending our country, delivery riders weaving through city streets and alleys, and innovative farmers working in the fields. Its infinitely vast campus transcends time and space, unbounded by walls.

Over its 45 years of operation, the Open University of China (OUC), previously known as the China Central Radio and Television University (CCRTVU) and recently established the Seniors University of China (SUC), has remained deeply rooted in the vast landscape of China. Wherever there is a need, the university has made education accessible. It has committed to a path of lifelong educational development characterised by Chinese features, making significant contributions to building a learning society where lifelong learning is pursued by all.

Emergence to the call of the times

The OUC, a product of its times, emerged as the times required. Each step it takes marks a milestone of the age and bears a mission of the history.

Turning back the clock 45 years, we see that under the initiation and promotion of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the establishment of the CCRTVU and 28 provincial-level radio and television universities (RTVUs) was announced with a grand opening ceremony on 6 February 1979.

On 8 February  of the same year, courses were officially broadcast on television by the CCRTVU. The renowned mathematician Hua Luogeng delivered the first lecture, titled "Introduction to Advanced Mathematics," via China Central Television (CCTV). Across 28 RTVUs nationwide, 420,000 students tuned in to watch the course.

Among these 420,000 people was Tan Jianrong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who at that time worked as a mechanical worker in a machine tool factory. Over three years, Tan Jianrong completed courses in both mechanical engineering and electronic engineering in one stretch. He stated, “The practical and realistic learning style established in the RTVU class has had a far-reaching influence on me.”

With the support of internet technology, the CCRTVU initiated the "Pilot on Talent Formation Mode Reform and Open Education" project in 1999. During this phase, the university explored distance education options for farmers, disabled individuals, non-commissioned military officers, and residents from ethnic minority areas pursuing degrees. This initiative significantly advanced the popularisation of higher education and improved equal access to education.

The train of the times is now at a new crossing.

As higher education becomes more widespread and information technology rapidly advances, the nature of education is evolving from a traditional, insular approach to a more contemporary, open model. Building a learning-oriented society where all individuals have the opportunity to study anytime and anywhere presents a significant challenge, not just for China but for the entire world.

On 31 July 2012, the OUC was inaugurated at the Great Hall of the People, marking another milestone in the CCRTVU's journey of reform. This new type of university, open to everyone and unbounded by time or space, now unfolds before us. It prioritises both degree and non-degree continuing education, integrates information technology with education, and amasses and shares high-quality educational resources.

To proactively address population ageing, the SUC was officially launched at the OUC on 3 March 2023. Increasingly, older adults are acquiring knowledge and skills in the SUC classrooms, finding joy in life, and beginning new chapters in their lives.

Over the past 45 years, the OUC has made unique and significant contributions to the widespread adoption of higher education in China. For every ten individuals with higher education, one has graduated from the OUC. The university has enrolled a cumulative total of 25.72 million students in higher education degree programmes, accounting for 10.3% of the total number of people who have received higher education in China. The university system has graduated a cumulative total of 19.61 million students, representing 8.5% of all university graduates in China since the reinstatement of the national college entrance examination system. Currently, the university has 4.567 million enrolled students, nearly one-tenth of the total higher education enrollment.

Operation in the society

The vitality of the OUC lies in its "openness," targeting all members of society. The university's educational philosophy has always been, "The university operates within society; wherever there is a need, there is an open university accessible."

After 2 p.m. in Beijing's Wangjing business district, Gao Feng, a delivery rider, has found a cool spot to relax after the lunch rush. Instead of watching short videos on his phone, he's using his downtime with no orders to hit the books. He's currently majoring in Logistics Management at the OUC and has earned more than half the credits required. He is looking forward to obtaining his associate degree.

“Studying at the OUC has been very helpful for my career and has enabled me to establish myself in Beijing," said Gao Feng. Thanks to the "Riders Going to University" project, a collaboration between the OUC and Meituan Delivery, Gao Feng has had the opportunity to study. This initiative provides a more convenient way for riders seeking educational improvement, thereby broadening their career development opportunities.

The university operating in the society sits not only in bustling cities but also in vast rural areas.

In Lianfeng Village, Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, what was once a muddy pond four years ago has been transformed into a lotus pool encircled by an 800-meter go-kart track. This transformation is due to the creative initiative and bold experimentation of Lou Ganqiang, the secretary of the village's General Party Branch. This project has become a significant source of additional income for the village collective. "To prosper, we must rely on learning. I acquired this creative idea from field visits and practical teaching in the pioneers' class of the OUC's 'One College Student Per Village' Programme," said Lou Ganqiang.

The "One College Student Per Village" Programme was launched in 2004. Utilising information technology, this initiative extends higher education resources to rural areas. It has cultivated a large number of graduates who stay in the countryside, applying their knowledge to poverty alleviation and rural revitalisation. As of December 2023, the programme has introduced 30 undergraduate and junior college majors across 13 disciplines, enrolling over 1.075 million students and graduating 746,000. Impressively, more than 93% of the graduates have chosen to remain in their hometowns. In April 2021, the "One College Student Per Village" Programme received the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, the most prestigious award in this field.

The university operating in the society offers education oriented to not only the young but also the old.

"My goal is not to obtain a diploma, but to seek knowledge." Recently, Deng Yangqing, a retired teacher aged 96 from Shaxian District in Sanming City, Fujian Province, graduated from the junior college programme in Agricultural Economic Management at the OUC and received his graduation certificate. After retiring, Deng Yangqing founded two schools for seniors. Currently, both schools serve as teaching points for the SUC, where Deng continues to teach. He is not only a principal but also a teacher and a student.

From nonagenarians to entrepreneurial youths, village officials to technical experts, and delivery riders to factory workers — all have benefitted. For the past 45 years, the OUC has steadfastly committed to providing education tailored to communities, industries, rural regions, remote areas, and ethnic minority regions, showcasing the remarkable vitality of open education.

Deep integration with modern information technology

"Our knowledge comes from classrooms in the sky, where radio waves soar and converge into the 'Yellow River' and 'Yangtze River' in our hearts." This anthem captures the essence of OUC. Since its inception, OUC has been deeply ingrained with the genes of information technology.

Transitioning from radio and television to online education platforms, and further expanding into big data and artificial intelligence, the OUC has consistently focused on the deep integration of information technology with educational methods. This advancement supports the creation of a learning society where all individuals have the opportunity to study anytime and anywhere they choose.

Currently, the OUC hosts three major digital learning platforms: the Smart OUC Integrated Platform for Degree Education, the Lifelong Education Platform for the general public, and the National Education Platform for the Elderly, which is specifically designed for older adults and institutions focusing on elderly education.

The Degree Education Platform offers 181 majors and approximately 18,000 online courses, catering to the educational needs of around 4 million degree-seeking learners. The Lifelong Education Platform boasts over 1 million course resources and has attracted about 6.8 million registered users. Meanwhile, the National Education Platform for the Elderly provides over 400,000 course resources and serves more than 20 million senior learners at 55,000 learning points nationwide.

"Open education in the era of intelligence must cater to the needs of diverse and personalised talent development. Massive personalised teaching has been achieved through technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, realising the principles of 'teaching according to aptitude' with both a return to its roots and a transcendent approach," said Zheng Jipeng, dean of the OUC's School of Foreign Languages.  

The Lifelong Education Platform developed by the OUC incorporates not only intelligent computer-assisted pronunciation technology and AI-based essay evaluation technology but also features the latest generative artificial intelligence technology— the Smart Learning Companion "Bai Ze". This system can intelligently recommend personalised learning paths tailored to students' varying learning goals and levels of knowledge mastery, thereby achieving large-scale personalised teaching. Just how large is this "large-scale"? Take, for example, the English course, which attracts approximately 3 million students each year.

"Building a digital university connected to the world", the OUC is poised for its next journey across mountains and seas.

"Looking ahead, the OUC is committed to empowering lifelong learning through digitalisation, contributing to the development of a learning society and country. The university will accelerate its digital transformation, strengthen the open university system, and enhance the SUC, aiming to make significant contributions to transforming China into a powerful nation and advancing the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," stated Wang Qiming, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the OUC.  


Reprinted by OUC News Network from China Education Daily, Page 3, dated on 21 June 2024