In order to speed up the training of skilled personnel for companies and other sectors of society, further promote vocational skills training, comprehensively enhance the occupational skills level of workers, and provide skilled personnel protection for the development of a high-quality economy, the International Business Institute of Jinhua Radio and TV University (Jinhua RTVU, also known as Zhejiang School of Business and Trade) officially kicked off a welfare training programme on live streaming on Taobao and Douyin on 9 May 2020.

Online live streaming by influencers can greatly increase a customer’s potential for purchase. The remarkable sales results created by this kind of influencer marketing, which gives customers a strong sense of being up close and personal with the product, indicate that live streaming has become an essential marketing method for companies and salespersons in the Internet era. As the old saying goes, "Deeply buried gold cannot shine,” which alludes to the need for urgency in marketing of quality products and makes the training of "influencer marketing presenters" particularly important.

Jinhua RTVU, in corporation with Jinhua Yongle Culture Development Co., Ltd., Jinhua Muxing Culture & Media Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Wangchuan Education Technology Co., Ltd., hired experienced, reliable lecturers, including Mr. Huang Jianbo, a teacher responsible for the live streaming e-business training centre in Jinhua RTVU, and Mr. Shan Feng, a teacher responsible for Douyin marketing strategy and product selection at the centre. They teach using their solid theoretical research results and rich practical experience. The training covers basic information such as account operation, video shooting and post production, selecting products to live stream, live stream content planning, behavioural guides and sales techniques for presenters, and live streaming software and equipment operation. The comprehensive and detailed lecture helped the learners to gain the knowledge and skills required for live stream marketing. More than 100 employees and freelancers participated in the training. At the end of both courses, the trainees will be tested and issued with certificates.

The training was carried out in compliance with epidemic prevention and control requirements. It offered essential and meaningful learning content, which will benefit many companies and freelancers who need to face up to the challenges of live stream marketing. In the future, the International Business School of Jinhua RTVU will continue to use its own advantages to hold Tencent (Watch Point) live broadcast and cross-border e-commerce training sessions, hoping that the university can help companies and members of society to steadily improve the level of professional skills, create a market for hidden products with good qualities, and provide soft power for the economic development of the city.

By Jinhua RTVU