Since 10 April 2020, more than 117,000 students from Xinjiang Radio and TV University (Xinjiang RTVU) have logged into the integrated online learning platform on their computer or mobile phone and completed learning procedures such as registration, payment, course selection, online examinations, and uploading papers, realising the goal of convenient learning anytime, anywhere.

This is the first time that the platform has been promoted among all students in the Xinjiang RTVU system in order to support learning through mobile means since it was put into trial operation in September 2019.

Xinjiang RTVU is a new type of university engaged in modern distance education. In order to meet the university’s needs for education and teaching informatisation and the online learning needs of the students, Xinjiang RTVU began building an integrated online learning platform in March 2018. The platform has realised information sharing across the whole Xinjiang RTVU system and data communication with the OUC platform, and ensured that the data related to enrolment, payment, student and teacher information, learning processes, and graduation examination information is unified and of high quality.

"At present, the platform covers 59 majors with a total of 2,904 courses. Each course is equipped with corresponding teaching resources. Of these, 185 key courses are also supported by micro-course videos. Through the interpretation and vivid explanation given by the teachers, the students shave strengthened their understanding and mastery of knowledge,” Li Dejiang, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of Xinjiang RTVU, said.

According to Xu Ruidi, a class tutor at a college directly under Xinjiang RTVU, "The platform has realised the integration and transformation of functions previous assigned to other platforms, greatly improving our efficiency in checking homework and test papers and enabling us to spend more time focusing on improving education and quality, and communicating with students and answering their questions."

"I work in Ahonglukumu Township, Yuepuhu County, Kashi region, which is 200 kilometres from Shache County, Kashi region where examinations are held. In the past, in order to attend an exam, I would have to ask for leave a day in advance. Now, I can use the online platform to take any exams, saving time and money,” Akbar Aimati, an administrative management student at Shache School directly under Xinjiang RTVU, commented.

By OUC News Network, reprinted from By; Guan Liqiong,Xinjiang Daily