Henan Radio and TV University (Henan RTVU) continues to promote its pilot teaching model of "integrating teaching, learning and testing into one platform”. Currently, 9 provincial open courses have been included in the pilot project, and this semester 40 additional provincial open courses in 12 subjects have been added to the pilot programme.

In 2013, Henan RTVU began to reform the teaching model for the provincial open courses in order to deal with the following prominent problems: there were too many subjects divided into narrow focuses for the open education system, students were dispersed geographically, their study motivation was diversified, there was a great conflict between working and studying, their available time for study was fragmented, and the coexistence of a variety of platforms and various assessment methods had caused inconvenience to the local radio and TV universities. In reforming the system, provincial open courses on tourism were selected, and the online pilot teaching model of "integrating teaching, learning and testing into one platform" was adopted.

The "integrating teaching, learning and testing into one platform" teaching model is a online model through which teaching, learning, and testing can be done via one interface. Through this interface, the students' learning process can be traced and monitored in all respects from a remote location. When students log in to the platform, they can select courses, view course materials, do homework, ask questions, and take examinations. The examination results can be displayed in real time. The learning system will collect statistics on the online learning behavior of the students. Only when they meet the requirements for learning behavior statistics and test scores can they click on "I want to have a test" and take the exam. If the students are not satisfied with their test scores, they can take the exam again and again until they are satisfied with their score. The students can schedule their learning and exam time at their own convenience, but it must be completed within one semester.

From September 2013 to July 2014, 9 provincial open courses in tourism were established as pilot courses at Henan RTVU for two semesters. According to the heads of local RTVUs, supervising teachers, and an open education student survey, this teaching model caters to the learning characteristics of adults, enabling students to study courses, do homework, and take examinations at their own convenience. The students have the option of repeating exercises and taking exams multiple times. In this way, they gradually shift from passive learning to active learning. This method of learning has been unanimously praised by the supervising teachers and the students of the local RTVUs. The survey also showed that the collaborative learning of students, teacher-student interactions, resource utilization, learning motivation of students, self-directed learning ability, and their online time have all been significantly improved.

On this basis, Henan RTVU has made some improvements to the teaching platform of “integrating teaching, learning, and testing” in September 2014, and another 40 provincial open courses in 12 subjects have been selected for inclusion in the programme. Currently, the programme is proceeding smoothly.

“Teaching, Learning and Testing” Learning Platform

By Henan RTVU