Take a scan of the QR code, subscribe and you can gain access to the online courses and information about lifelong learning through the “Fujian Lifelong Learning Online” account!

Recently, Fujian Radio and TV University (RTVU) has adapted to the new concepts of lifelong learning, “learning for anyone, anywhere, anytime” in the period of mobile Internet.

Accordingly, the university has launched Sina Weibo and WeChat accounts and widened the channel through which it can interact and communicate online with its student body. All learners need to do is scan the QR codes on the homepages of the “Fujian Lifelong Learning Online” Weibo and WeChat accounts, download and follow the instructions, or log in to the Sina Weibo or WeChat homepages, and search for the the public account of “Fujian Lifelong Learning Online”. After guests “add” and “follow” the sites, “Fujian Lifelong Learning Online” will regularly post courses and other relevant information on community education in Fujian to its followers. Subscribers will then be able to get information on modern distance education and online learning resources more conveniently through their mobile phones and other mobile devices.

Additionally, “Fujian Lifelong Learning Online” opened a new module of learning and sharing, entitled, “Everyone Teaches Everyone”. Whenever you find helpful or interesting knowledge or skills, you are free to share them with everyone, and at the same time, find solutions to the problems you confront in daily life, such as how to clean bottles with narrow mouths, how to make tea, and so on. Currently, the content on the “Everyone Teaches Everyone” zone includes handcrafts, home life, tea art, fitness, art and other material. Already, these initial six categories contain nearly a hundred distinct resources in total, representing a valuable aid to the lives of community residents.

QR Code for Sina Weibo    QR Code for WeChat 

Link of Sina Weibo: http://weibo.com/fj51e

Link of “Everyone Teaches Everyone” Website: http://rrjiao.fj51e.cn/

By Yan Yunyan, Fujian RTVU