The Seniors University of China (SUC) hosted a themed collective recitation event titled "Years Echoed Through Voice" on 27 June 2024, to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

This event was part of the broader initiative "Golden Fragrance · Reading Through the Ages," which aligns with the directives of the 20th National Congress of the CPC to "deepen nationwide reading activities" and "build a learning society and country where lifelong learning is pursued by all."

Professor Yao Xishuang, a doctoral supervisor from the Communication University of China, delivered a lecture on classic recitation. Fan Xianrui, a member of the Party Committee and vice president of the Open University of China (OUC, also known as SUC), attended and presided over the event.


Fan Xianrui attended and presided over the event.

Yao Xishuang delivered a lecture on classic recitation.

Professor Yao Xishuang analysed Mao Zedong's poetry from the perspective of a reciter. He emphasised that Mao's poetry not only embodies a grand and passionate spirit but also chronicles over half a century of Chinese revolution and construction. It reflects a deep people-oriented sentiment, contains great revolutionary power, and is rich in high-level political wisdom and noble aesthetic ideals. Professor Yao explained the methods and key points of recitation in a straightforward manner, engaging the audience through interactive teaching that included trial recitation, interpretation, and repetition. He invited participants to recite five poems on-site and provided line-by-line guidance to enhance their recitation skills.

Fan Xianrui highlighted that on World Book Day, 23 April, the SUC launched the year-long reading event "Golden Fragrance · Reading Through the Ages," of which "Years Echoed Through Voice" is a significant component. Professor Yao, as the leading recitation expert, not only provided multifaceted analyses of classic poems and taught recitation techniques but also delivered an inspiring political and ideological education class. She encouraged everyone to actively participate in the themed collective recitation activities to further promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture and foster a favorable atmosphere for classic recitation.

The lecture was broadcasted simultaneously across multiple platforms, including the SUC's own platform, its WeChat channel, Douyin account, Weibo account, the Voice of OUC WeChat channel, the Lifelong Education platform of the OUC, as well as popular platforms like China Media Group Mobile, Xuexi Qiangguo, and Bilibili. This comprehensive outreach strategy enabled over 1.55 million students to participate in the learning experience, both online and offline.