On the occasion of the 28th National "Eye Care Day," the Seniors University of China (SUC) organised the "2023 SUC Health Science Popularisation Series - Care for Eye Health" in partnership with the school operating units in Shenyang, Dalian, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, and Xiamen on 26 May 2023.

With the theme "Ten Thousand People from Ten Cities Taking Action to Care for the Eye Health of Older Adults," the event garnered participation from numerous ophthalmologists from top-tier hospitals across the country. The event encompassed offline scientific lectures, complimentary screenings for eye diseases, eye health awareness programs for older adults in ten cities, as well as a series of online courses and lectures on comprehensive visual eye health. Its primary objective was to raise awareness about cataracts, presbyopia, and other prevalent eye diseases among the elderly, fostering a favorable environment for eye care, enhancing health literacy and proactive health practices, and contributing to the achievement of healthy aging.

The SUC was formally established on 3 March 2023, with the mission of "cultivating virtue, pursuing lifelong learning, proactively maintaining health, embracing a joyful life, and achieving positive accomplishments." With a particular focus on serving the health needs of older adult students, it has expanded the meaning and scope of proactive health through a range of health science popularisation initiatives, transforming science activities into a second classroom at the SUC.

Liu Chen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Open University of China (also known as SUC), remarked, "With the growing elderly population in China, enhancing the health literacy and proactive health capacity of older adults has become a crucial endeavor for promoting healthy aging. Aligned with the Healthy China Strategy and the '14th Five-Year Plan' for the health of the Chinese people, SUC is organising an eye health awareness campaign titled 'Ten Thousand People from Ten Cities Taking Action to Care for the Eye Health of Older Adults.' The primary objective is to disseminate authoritative, scientific, and accurate knowledge on eye health to the elderly. Furthermore, it aims to raise public awareness and foster societal concern for the eye health of older adults."


Song Xudong (right), director of Cataracts Centre of Beijing Tongren Hospital, is checking eye health for students of the SUC on 26 May

Several doctors from Song Xudong’s team giving complimentary medical service for SUC students

Eye health science popularisation action in the theme of "Ten Thousand People from Ten cities Taking Actions to Care for the Eye Health for Older Adults" Whole Visual launched on 26 May

Liu Chen, deputy secretary of Party Committee of OUC (SUC) delivering a speech


Reprinted by OUC News Network from www.chinanews.com