The OUC held its 2010 Admissions Conference in Qingdao from 26 to 28 May. The main theme of the conference was new situations, requirements and ways of thinking. The OUC needs to have a clear development direction, focus on effective management, use innovative admissions procedures, improve the quality of work and further advance the development of open education. Delegates summarised 2010 spring admissions, exchanged experiences from their various locations, analysed the points and problems arising from open education admissions, explored how to strengthen the management and improve the quality of admissions, as well as preparing for 2010 autumn admissions.


The OUC 2009-2010 Admissions Report was presented to delegates, who reached an agreement on the following three points:

  • Firstly, admissions should focus on quality, strengthening capacity, the interdependence of admissions and teaching reform, and continue building the OUC brand in a sustainable way.
  • Secondly, admissions faces some considerable challenges. Admissions requires educational reform and an innovative model. It needs to broaden its appeal within society and among students.
  • Thirdly, management needs to be standardised, as several areas need improvement and loopholes closing. Effective management is needed to build the reputation of open education.

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Present: Mr. Liu Jianqing, Deputy Director of Department of Distance and Continuing Education, Division of Higher Education, Ministry of Education; Mr. Ruan Zhiyong, Secretary of Communist Party and Vice President of the OUC; Mr. Zhang Xingmin, Deputy Director of Education Department of Shandong Province and Secretary of Communist Party of OU of Shandong Province; Mr. Wang Jinsheng, Deputy Secretary of Working Committee of Department of Higher Education, Qingdao City, Deputy Secretary of Communist Party, Bureau of Education, Qingdao City; Mr. Wang Weidong, President of OU of Shandong Province; Mr. Bi Kerong, Secretary of Communist Party, OU Qingdao; Mr. Wang Tonghua, President of OU Qingdao. There were 222 delegates at the conference and subsequent launch ceremony of the OUC admissions website, including provincial heads of admissions, heads of partner centres, leaders from faculties and study centres and the related sectors of the OUC.


Background Information:

According to the OUC 2009-2010 Admissions Report, in the spring of 2010, the OUC established 88 programmes (25 for diploma-to-degree courses and 63 for diploma courses). The total number of enrolled students reached 427,500. There were 111,000 bachelor degree students and 316,500 diploma students (including those enrolled in the pilot One-College-Student-for-One-Village Programme), with admissions continuing to rise.

The OUC admissions website is one part of the website initiated by the Ministry of Education. It publishes open education admissions policies, issues news and notices, and provides a forum for users to exchange ideas. It also publishes admissions information as well as a site showcasing the admissions process to the public. This website will take the admissions process to a new level.


from: OUC Public Relations Office (1 June 2010)