Editor's Notes: The Open University of China (OUC) has initiated a programme to nurture candidates for the inaugural session of "Outstanding Young Teachers," resulting in 104 teachers being bestowed with the esteemed title of "OUC Outstanding Young Teachers."

By sharing the stories of some of these young teachers and highlighting their experiences of learning and personal growth, our aim is to showcase the dedication and enthusiasm of all OUC teachers who are devoted to contributing to the establishment of a lifelong learning society for all.

Liu Chang, an associate professor and former visiting scholar at the University of London, currently serves as a teacher in the Logistics Management program at Guangzhou Open University. Professor Liu's meticulously crafted course has been recognized as a high-quality offering at the provincial and municipal levels in Guangzhou, Guangdong. Her teaching prowess has also garnered numerous accolades, including university-level teaching achievement awards and first prizes in university-level class teaching demonstration competitions. Among the prestigious titles bestowed upon her are "Excellent Youth Post Expert," "Outstanding Teacher in Guangzhou," "Outstanding Teacher in Guangdong," "Model Teacher in Guangzhou," "Outstanding Teacher of Guangzhou Open University," "OUC Advanced Individual of Teacher's Ethics," and "OUC Outstanding Teacher," among others.

I was recommended by Guangzhou Open University to participate in the OUC Outstanding Young Teachers Training Programme. Over the course of three years, I was exposed to cutting-edge teaching philosophies and had the opportunity to connect with exceptional teachers who were devoted to the field of teaching and research from across the nation. This experience profoundly reshaped my perception of online education.

At the time when the Programme was introduced, I was facing a challenging period in my teaching career. Despite my ongoing efforts to reform the teaching methods for my course, I noticed a decline in student engagement and unsatisfactory learning outcomes. I was at a loss on how to make a breakthrough. Filled with confusion and frustration, I joined the Programme, which opened a magical gateway to the captivating world of teaching.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Programme was designed with the objective of nurturing teachers, offering comprehensive and systematic training that spanned from online to offline platforms. It guided me through a step-by-step journey of discovering how to become a proficient and skilled teacher in the field of open education.

The training offered by the Programme expanded my horizons and deepened my understanding of teaching research. It instilled in me the belief that where there is a will to explore, there is a way.

Engaging in daily teaching activities has provided me with invaluable opportunities for practical application. Taking the initiative, I utilize various mobile learning platforms to create an interactive learning environment centered around the students. I explore innovative ways to design teaching activities and assess teaching effectiveness. My utmost effort is dedicated to fostering positive and collaborative learning experiences for students, with the aim of enhancing their knowledge construction abilities. In 2021, I participated in the competition on the integration of political and ideological education in academic teaching and design demonstration at OUC. I strived to apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the Programme to my classroom teaching demonstration. As a result, not only did I deepen my understanding of the connection between "learning objectives, learning activities, and learning assessment," but I also won the first prize in the competition.

Thanks to the three-year training offered by the Programme, I have come to realize the significance of staying true to the original goal of "cultivating morally upright individuals" in the era of "Internet plus." With the transformative and evolving nature of OUC, I am determined to comprehend the underlying principles and embrace suitable methods in order to fulfill our mission.


By OUC News Network