On October 11, 2012, the OUC invited Professor Bob Fryer, chair of the Campaign for Learning UK to deliver a lecture entitled “Promises & Problems of Lifelong Learning”.

Professor Fryer used vivid, illustrative media to introduce the promises and current problems in adult and lifelong learning. He said that the

promises of lifelong learning include an increase in educational opportunities, improvement in people's working skills and living standard, more cohesive communities and faster social change and advancement. As a result, governments vigorously advocated lifelong learning. Professor Fryer also stressed that there is still a huge gap between these ideals and reality, and that lifelong learning still faces many problems and challenges. For example, the number of people engaged in lifelong learning varies greatly by social class, indicating inequality in education; opportunities for disadvantaged social groups to receive education and training are relatively few; employers do not provide enough training for employees, training content and methods are very limited and more learning resources and funds are needed. He held that teaching methods and forms of lifelong learning should be diversified. Its ultimate goal should be to help all citizens, especially those of disadvantaged social groups, to cultivate their inner potential and become socially responsible individuals who can think independently.

Professor Fryer offered the following suggestions concerning development of the OUC: First, high standards should be set in order to gradually raise teaching quality and social influence. Second, the OUC should place emphasis on building a strong faculty and constantly improve teachers’ professional and teaching skills; Third, infrastructure development should be strengthened in order to make full use of information technology and provide comprehensive learner support services.

Campaign for Learning UK, founded in 1995, is a non-governmental organization which focuses on promoting lifelong learning for all. Professor Bob Fryer is a board member of the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE). He was formerly chair of the UK government’s National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning and Chief Learning Advisor to the UK's Department of Health and National Director for Widening Participation in Learning. Professor Fryer was awarded a CBE by Queen Elizabethan for services to Community Education in 1999.

Professor Fryer has published extensively in the fields of trades unionism, industrial relations and adult education. His latest publications include Promise of Freedom: Citizenship, Belonging and Lifelong Learning (2010) and Leadership and Democracy: The History of the national Union of Public Employees (2011, with Stephen Williams).

By Chen Na, the OUC