Recently, the Open University of China (OUC) organised a secondary vocational education seminar in Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Attendees included Li Heng, deputy director of the Department of Vocational and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education (MOE); Fan Xianrui, a member of the Party Committee and vice president of the OUC; Zhang Junxi, a member of the Education Working Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee and deputy director of the Education Department; Liu Chun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Inner Mongolia Open University; and Wang Changsong, standing committee member of the Ulanqab Municipal Committee and vice mayor. The event was hosted by Cui Ming and Luo Juan, vice deans of the OUC’s secondary vocational school - China Central Radio TV Vocational Middle School


Li Heng delivering a speech

In his speech, Li Heng stated that secondary vocational education is an important component of senior secondary education and vocational education. The development focus has shifted from pursuing scale expansion to improving quality. As an adult secondary vocational school, the China Central Radio TV Vocational Middle School should seize the opportunity of vocational education transformation to promote high-quality, intrinsic development. Firstly, it is necessary to further clarify the eligibility criteria for teaching centres, specifying clear standards for premises, facilities and equipment. Secondly, it is essential to focus on the development of professional programmes, curricular resources, and faculty team to enhance the core educational capabilities. Thirdly, digital construction should be accelerated by leveraging the unique digital resources of the OUC to create a high-quality digital resource brand for vocational education.

Fan Xianrui delivering the keynote speech

In her keynote speech, Fan Xianrui emphasised that the high-quality development of adult secondary vocational education is essential for serving national strategies, promoting lifelong learning, and building a learning society. The China Central Radio TV Vocational Middle School's educational system should set "improving quality and enhancing image" as its overall goal and focus on the following tasks: Firstly, adhering to moral education and strengthening the construction of ideological and political courses; secondly, deepening educational and teaching reforms to enhance talent cultivation capabilities and levels; thirdly, accelerating digital empowerment to improve teaching standards and management efficiency; fourthly, strengthening system coordination to build a new integrated model for secondary vocational education, achieving high-quality and innovative development.


Hailati delivering the work report

Hailati, dean of the OUC’s China Central Radio TV Vocational Middle School, presented a work report. He comprehensively introduced the current status and achievements of the school, candidly pointed out existing problems and challenges, and outlined the key tasks for the future.

Yao Xinxia, dean of the directly affiliated college of Xinjiang Open University, and Sha Xu, executive vice president of Xinhua Education Group, shared their experiences based on their respective educational practices. Ren Ran, deputy director of the OUC’s Department of Digitalisation, and Li Zhixiang, deputy director of the Experimental College, gave special reports on "Digital Intelligence Empowerment" and "Secondary Vocational School to Open Junior College Pathway Programme."

Participants expressed that the seminar was inspiring and motivating, helping various units within the system to elevate their positions, build consensus, and collaborate to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of secondary vocational education.

More than 170 leaders and relevant personnel from 57 branch schools of the China Central Radio TV Vocational Middle School system, as well as heads of relevant departments of the OUC headquarters and university-owned enterprises, attended the event.


Written by Peng Xibo, photos by Cao Yue, OUC