To further enhance the quality of open education and deepen examination reforms, the Open University of China (OUC) initiated research and implementation activities for the 2023 examination reform in Yibin City, Sichuan Province, on 18th and 19th October.

The event saw the participation of Li Song, a member of the Party Committee and vice president of the OUC; Wang Ling, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Sichuan Open University; and Hua Shurui, a member of the Leading Party Group and deputy mayor of the Yibin City People’s Government. The activities brought together 180 attendees, comprising university leaders overseeing examination initiatives, officials from 45 branch universities, leaders from 18 schools, as well as heads of the OUC's core teaching departments and related sectors. Jin Yan, deputy director of the OUC Academic Affairs Department, chaired the event.

Li Song emphasised that the high-quality growth of open universities plays a pivotal role in enhancing the lifelong education system and fostering a learning society. This development is a natural progression for the evolution of China's higher education and a crucial step towards establishing China as an educational powerhouse. Central to the success of open universities is the premium quality of talent development. Examinations, being a critical component of this talent development, significantly influence its quality. The OUC should lean into examination reforms, taking into account the present-day socio-economic needs and the unique requirements of learners. By understanding the intricacies of adult learning and the nuances of open education, the OUC can drive examination reform and, in turn, boost the overall quality of open education. This enhancement is imperative for the continued excellence of open universities.

Li Song stressed that the OUC is dedicated to nurturing applied talent, encompassing engineering, technical, and skilled individuals. These professionals are notably defined by their alignment with societal needs, practicality, usefulness, and grassroots orientation. Adult learners are often driven to study when faced with tangible challenges in their work or personal lives, seeking specific knowledge, skills, or technologies. Consequently, there's a pressing need to establish a teaching, learning, and examination system that resonates with the demands of society, job prerequisites, and the unique attributes of adult students. Such a system should be in tune with the talent development needs of this new era and cater to the personalized growth requirements of its learners. Li Song highlighted the importance of delving into the analysis and understanding of students, educators, and learning outcomes. It's crucial to intertwine teaching and reform-based research, leading to distinct educational and research outcomes. This, in turn, amplifies the overall impact and competitive edge of open universities. Adopting a staggered approach in educational positioning and operational levels can carve out unique features, elevating the overall quality.

Li Song has outlined specific directives for examination reform. Firstly, there is a need to find a balance between three pairs of elements: “content” and “form”, “governance” and “guidance”, and “national” and “local”. Secondly, there are three core tasks to be implemented:

  1. Every branch (school) should adapt to its unique local conditions and initiate pilot programmes from the grassroots level upwards.
  2. Each academic department should emphasise specific disciplines and majors as they delve deeper into reforms.
  3. The pertinent teaching administration department must be open-minded, coordinate their efforts, and ensure the quality of reforms.

Gu Xiaohua, dean of the Academic Affairs Department at OUC, highlighted the successes of the examination reform, pinpointed current issues, and outlined the primary objectives and direction for the upcoming phase of the reform. President Wang Ling of Sichuan OU, President Ou Jun of Hunan OU, Vice President Chen Shu of Ningbo OU, and Vice President Wang Qin of Hebei OU each shed light on their individual examination management experiences tailored to their respective institutions. Attendees engaged in comprehensive discussions about revamping examination content and methods, streamlining examination management, strengthening examination integrity and standards, and notably, the essential tasks for each branch (school) in the forthcoming reform phase, given the new context. They shared these insights through group discussions.

Gu Xiaohua delivered a concluding speech in which he stressed the importance of prevailing in the "tough battle" of examination reform. He highlighted the need to concentrate on refining the content of examinations. By leveraging exams to bolster teaching and learning, we can elevate the standard of education, thus furthering the high-quality growth of open education.


By OUC Academic Affairs Department