From 8th June to 11th June, the Sub-committee of the Third OUC Academic Committee for Literature, History, Philosophy, and Arts Majors conducted disciplinary research in Jiangxi Province. During this period, they also held a plenary meeting and a forum for the committee members.

On 8th June, the Sub-committee on Culture, History, Philosophy, and Arts of the Third OUC Academic Committee held its plenary meeting and academic forum at Jiangxi Open University (OU), which serves as the working unit for the Committee's chairman. The conference was chaired by Han Yi, the director of the Department of Quality Monitoring and Control at OUC. The event was attended by all Committee members and representatives from the academic committee of Jiangxi OU, totaling 19 participants.

Huang Pinghuai, the chairman of the Committee, deputy secretary of the Jiangxi OU Party Committee, and president of Jiangxi OU, attended the event and delivered a speech. He expressed that since its establishment, the Committee has diligently fulfilled its responsibilities in discipline research, academic exchange, teaching reform, and teacher development, among others. It has played a crucial role in fostering discipline development and talent cultivation. He encouraged the Committee members to continue their hard work, strive to showcase their personal value, optimize the working system, and enhance their own competence, aiming to achieve new accomplishments and contribute to the high-quality development of OUC's disciplines.

Huang Huaiping, Sun Fuwan, a professor from the School of Marxism at OUC, Hu Jiming, vice president of Chongqing Open University, Guo Qingchun, a professor from the Experimental School of OUC, Lan Tian, the dean of the School of Communication at Guangdong Open University, and Jiang Ling, a professor from Hubei Open University, delivered keynote speeches, respectively.

Tang Yingshan, a Committee member and professor from the Faculty of Humanities at OUC, guided all committee members, as well as thousands of teachers and students from Jiangxi OU, in recreating a copy of Monet's classic painting "Tide" using the 30-degree VR teaching equipment of Jiangxi OU. He Ruihu, secretary of the Jiangxi OU Party Committee, interacted with teachers and students on-site and took a group photo.

The committee also implemented the "connect and drive" approach to establish a communication mechanism among members between the headquarters and branches. This mechanism facilitated discussions among members, optimizing the committee's working system and enhancing the academic development of Jiangxi OU. The leaders of Jiangxi OU and committee members engaged in discussions with headquarters committee members on topics including discipline construction and professional development.

On 10th June, the Committee members visited Pingxiang OU, Jiujiang OU, Ji'an OU, and Xinyu OU to conduct specialized research on the development of education and the disciplines of Culture, History, Philosophy, and Arts, with a focus on building a strong educational system.

The Committee members conducted research in Pingxiang

The Committee members conducted research in Jiujiang

The Committee members conducted research in Xinyu

The Committee members conducted research in Jian

This activity facilitated enhanced communication among teachers within the system, particularly in teaching and research. The members expressed their commitment to working together to continuously enhance the development of the disciplines of Culture, History, Philosophy, and Arts. They emphasized the importance of educating students through ideology and politics, teaching with academic rigor, and fostering innovation in learning. Their collective aim is to contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of open education.


Written by Xiao Wanying and Yu Anji, OUC