On 23 June 2022, the Open University of China (OUC) held a video meeting on the final-examination work for spring 2022. Onsite attendees included Li Song, OUC vice president; Gu Xiaohua and Jin Yan, director and deputy director of the OUC Academic Affairs Department; Men Hailong, vice dean of the OUC Experimental School; and other personnel from the department and school.

Over 6,000 staff at branches (schools) and test centres attended online. The meeting was presided over by Gu Xiaohua.


Li Song proposed, first, that quality be maintained through strict invigilation and supervision; second, that Covid-19 protocols provide both smooth implementation of and safety during examinations; and third, that other measures be taken to minimize mistakes and accidents. He stressed that everyone involved should be conscientious and responsible.


Zhu Xianbin, vice president of the Anhui branch, and Su Wensheng, vice president of the Chengdu branch, shared their experiences with test work via video link.

On the basis of the examination work of autumn 2021, arrangements and requirements for that of spring 2022 were specified, along with reforms of the testing for autumn 2022.

It was stressed that all branches (schools) should ensure that test-takers understand the testing rules and corresponding punishments. Measures such as management of mobile phones and use of facial-recognition software should be implemented.



By Liang Chunhui, OUC