On 22 July 2023, the Third OUC Oil Painting Teaching Achievement Exhibition commenced at the ASEAN Cultural and Economic Exchange Centre in Xiamen.

The exhibition was a collaborative effort between the Open University of China (OUC, also known as Seniors University of China, SUC) and the Xiamen Jimei District Literature and Artists' Federation, co-organized by Fujian Open University (OU) and Xiamen OU, and hosted by the OUC School of Art and the ASEAN Cultural and Economic Exchange Centre. The exhibition featured a total of 132 art pieces from 112 exhibitors, showcasing the remarkable teaching achievements of art education and popular aesthetics at the School of Art.

The exhibitors, with an average age of 55, hailed from seven different countries, including China, Malaysia, Germany, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore. They had been studying oil painting for durations ranging from one month to four years.

Xu Li, former vice chairman of China Artists Association, delivering a video message

Xu Li, the former vice chairman of the China Artists Association, delivered a video message during the opening ceremony. He expressed, "The oil painting teaching practice of the OUC School of Art provides valuable insights on meeting the demand for aesthetic education and enhancing the aesthetic literacy of people in the field of oil painting teaching."

Speech by Chen Xingyan, secretary of Party Committee of Fujian OU

Speech by Tang Ning, president of Xiamen OU

Speech by Zhuang Zhihui, head of the Publicity Department of the Jimei CPC District Committee

Introduction of the project by Jin Yan, vice dean of the OUC School of Art

Chen Xingyan, secretary of the Party Committee of Fujian Open University (OU); Tang Ning, president of Xiamen OU; and Zhuang Zhihui, head of the Publicity Department of the Jimei CPC District Committee, delivered speeches and extended their congratulations on the opening of the oil painting exhibition. Jin Yan, vice dean of the OUC School of Art, introduced the school's online oil painting commune project and expressed gratitude for the support and assistance from all sectors of society during the exhibition. Ji Yun, a representative of the students participating in the exhibition, and Professor Xiao Fei, a representative of the teaching team, shared their feelings about the Online Oil Painting Project, their hopes for the exhibition, and their expectations for the next stage of learning, from the perspectives of students and teachers respectively. The opening ceremony was presided over by Tang Yingshan, a professor of the School of Art and founder of the Online Oil Painting Commune.

Inauguration ceremony of the aesthetic education practice base of the OUC School of Art

The Aesthetic Education Practice Base of the OUC School of Art and the ASEAN Cultural and Economic Exchange Centre were officially unveiled on-site. Both parties will leverage their respective strengths and collaborate in establishing a talent training practice base that integrates popular aesthetic education, art education and instruction, art creation and practice, art teaching achievement exhibitions, and international cultural and artistic exchanges.

Guests and visitors attending the exhibition

At the exhibition, the works that celebrate the new era and capture the themes of family, friendship, and scenic beauty, especially those created by exhibitors with no prior painting experience, garnered significant attention from the guests and visitors on-site. All of the attendees praised these works as vivid and lively. They beautifully depict the beauty of everyday life, convey the positive energy of a love for life, and express the public's pursuit of beauty and yearning for a better life. The OUC School of Art has successfully established a platform for popular aesthetic education and a bridge between the arts and the masses.

Some of the works of the participants

The event has garnered significant media attention and received a positive response from the public. Several media outlets, including People's Daily Online, Hai Xia Dao Bao, Southeast Network (FJSEN.COM), Haixi Morning Post, Jimei Daily, and Xiamen Comprehensive Broadcasting, closely followed and covered the event.

By Tang Yingshan and Xu Hang, OUC