The Second OUC Working Conference of the Administrative Management Major Central Teaching Research Group was held in Wuhan from 25-26th April 2018. OUC vice president Liu Chen, president of Wuhan Branch, Ma Feng, and vice president of Wuhan Branch, Wang Luqun, attended the conference. The conference was chaired by Gu Xiaohua, leader of the Administrative Management Major Central Teaching Research Group. The conference focused on the construction of key majors for Administrative Management and the work of the Central Teaching Research Group.

Liu Chen issued letters of appointment to the members and pointed out that the Administrative Management major is the OUC’s most-enrolled major and ranks among the OUC’s top ten key majors. As a result, it is necessary to accelerate its construction, improve its quality, and develop it into a major with “the most students and best quality.” With regards to the theme of the conference, Liu Chen emphasised that the cultivation objectives and standards for the construction of the major should have a distinct orientation and accurate description, reflecting the obvious distinctions between regular higher education institutions and the self-taught examination system. The design of the curriculum system should reflect the features of open education e.g. the integration of degree education and vocational skills training, meeting the requirements for occupational skills and professional training, and shaping practical teaching according to the status of on-the-job learners. For the work of the Central Teaching Research Group, Liu Chen pointed out that it is the core of the construction and teaching of the major. The group members should be responsible and self-motivated in order to carry forward the construction and teaching reform of the major and improve the teaching quality.

Gu Xiaohua introduced how the group members are selected and their tasks, and called upon the group members to fulfil their duties, participate in the construction of the major and the teaching reform, and actively solve the problems facing them in order to jointly contribute to the successful development of the Administrative Management major.

The group members focused on the conference theme and discussed issues such as the learner development objectives and orientation of junior college and undergraduate degree programmes, the curriculum system, problems with academic dissertations, and working projects over the next three years.

The conference laid out the learner development objectives for junior college and undergraduate degree programmes, confirmed the curriculum system, and formulated a work plan for the next three years. It achieved substantial progress in the construction of the Administrative Management major.

By Gu Xiaohua,photoed by He Yuanzeng, OUC