The 20th anniversary of UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Distance and Open Learning was celebrated in Shanghai on 20th November 2017. OUC vice president Yang Xiaotang attended the celebration, and received the Brilliant Contribution Award.

Brilliant Contribution Awardees have made important contributions to the construction and development of the UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Distance and Open Learning, and made brilliant achievements in the areas of school development, social contribution, and international influence over the past twenty years.

During the working seminars at this year’s UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Distance and Open Learning celebration, Yang Xiaotang shared with other attendees the OUC’s achievements and experiences in pushing forward the innovative development of Chinese Distance and Open Education, establishing open school operational systems with diverse subjects, led by the principles of mutual building, sharing, and mutual benefit, innovating a learner development model, constructing a credit bank, and implementing non-degree education, as well as international exchanges. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, in response to the national “Belt and Road” strategy, the OUC will continue to leverage its advantages to implement an “international exchange and cooperation project,” strengthen cooperation and assistance to open and distance educational institutions along “Belt and Road” route, and in Africa, explore new models for promoting Chinese language and culture, carry out international cooperation and research, intensify cooperation with UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Distance and Open Learning, enhance the depth and width of its participation in activities sponsored by international organisations such as UNESCO, ICDE, AAOU, and improve its own overall international competitiveness and international image.

Regarding future work at UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Distance and Open Learning, Yang Xiaotang mentioned that the “Vocational Education Going Global” strategy should be promoted within the “Road and Belt” initiative. A quality open course platform should be established, which institutions within the network could jointly contribute courses to.

The UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Distance and Open Learning was founded in 1997, and currently has 15 institutional members worldwide. It adheres to UNESCO’s missions and principles, promotes knowledge sharing and innovation, facilitates development of open and distance learning in east Asian areas, enhances educational informatisation, and strives to realise lifelong learning for all through cooperation among institutional members.

By Niu Ben, OUC