Huang Zhenhua is a professor of the University of International Business and Economics. He graduated from the English major of Beijing Institute of International Business and Economics in 1964, and attained an MA from the University Edinburgh, UK in 1980. He has acted as dean of the English Language Department and vice president of the University of International Business, as well as counsellor-level economy and trade affairs consul at the Chinese Embassy in Chicago. He has also acted as a member of the Advisory Committee of Higher Education Foreign Language Programmes of the Ministry of Education of China, as well as deputy supervisor of its English section. He has been a member of Appraisal Committee for English Version of Regulations Concerning Foreign Affairs. He has acted as a reporter for APEC meetings and a simultaneous interpreter for the UN Labor Congress on a number of occasions. He was given the Outstanding Contribution by a Returned Overseas Chinese award by the State Education Commission and the State Ministry of Personnel in 1991, and won a special allowance from the State Council.


His research focuses on business English, and English semantics and stylistics. Several of his theses have been published. The English-Chinese Dictionary of International Economy and Trade, which was revised with him as the chief reviewer, won second place in the Fourth National Dictionary Awards. For the past few years he has taken part in examining and approving the regulations surrounding majors, teaching projects and teaching materials of the CCRTVU’s undergraduate open education business English major, including compiling teaching materials and offering live-classes. Since 2004, he has acted as lead judge for the finals of the Higher Education Cup oral practical English contest for higher vocational colleges. He is now executive deputy dean of the Expert Committee for National Business English. He is also one of the chief editors of the New-Century Teaching Materials for College English series published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Career Planning and Development, which he organized and compiled, became a 2009 outstanding study material for regular higher education. Today, he lectures in English on courses including Cross-Cultural Management as part of the master’s programme for foreign students at the University of International Business and Economics.