Zhang Bin is a chief editor of Modern Chinese and the Special Topic of Modern Chinese in the programme Chinese Language and Literature and Concise Modern Chinese in the programme Secretarial Profession in the OUC (aka CCRTVU). He is a professor, a doctoral supervisor and a postdoctoral contact supervisor of Shanghai Normal University. He serves as honorary director of Shanghai Normal University Language Institute, advisor of Shanghai Language and Literature Association, honorary president of the Teaching Research Association of Modern Chinese of the National Normal Universities, of The Chinese Language, and advisor of the magazine Rhetoric Learning. Zhang Bin has long been engaged in the teaching and research of modern Chinese grammar. As a productive writer, he has published the works of ‘Explorations on Modern Chinese Grammar’, ‘Research on Chinese Grammar’, ‘Grammar Teaching in Middle Schools’, ‘Location, Time and Place’, ‘Chinese Grammar’, ‘Expression and Understanding of Sentences’, and ‘Research on Function Words of Modern Chinese’ series (chief editor). He has made great contributions to Chinese grammar studies in the aspect of parts of speech, grammar analysis approach and the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic three-dimension theory, with an extensive influence at home and abroad.