Xia Chunyu, vice president of Dongbei University of Finance, and a professor and  doctoral supervisor, receives a special government allowance from the State Council. He was a member of the Northeast Asian City Cooperation Organization Advisory Committees (Japan) and a visiting professor at The University of Kitakyushu. He is deputy chairman of the China Institute of Higher Education on Business; executive director of the China Society of Logistics; executive director and a member of the academic board of the China Marketing Association; member of the academic board of the Tsinghua University Chinese Retail Research Centre; and member of the editorial board of a number of magazines, including Economics of Finance and Trade, Journal of Marketing Science, Business Economics and Administration, Chinese Retail Research, Research on Financial and Economic Issues, and Industrial Organization Review.
He is devoted to teaching and research on circulation theory, and logistics and marketing management. He has hosted more than 10 national- and provincial-level projects and published more than 100 academic papers and 15 monographs and textbooks, including Modern Commodity Circulation Theory and Policy (1998), Chinese Circulation Economy (in Japanese and Korean, 2000), Circulation Structure, Competition and Behavior (in Japanese, 2002), The Principles of Distribution (2002, 2006), Basic Logistics Management (2004, 2007), Logistics and Supply Chain Management (2004, 2007), and Contemporary Circulation Theory: Based on the Study of Japanese Circulation Issues (2005). He has been selected as a “Trans-century Academic Leader” by the Ministry of Finance, listed in the Liaoning Province “Hundred Talents Project”, and named a Liaoning Province young social science  talent.