Yang Yongbo graduated from the Southwest China Normal University in 1986 as an undergraduate student after studying the programme of school education. He studied school management from Central China Normal University, earning his master's degree in 1989, and studied education from the University of Sheffield, U.K. in 2002. At present, he is studying for a doctorate of education in education leadership and policy at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is now an associate professor of the OUC School of Education. The courses he has led in the OUC are Introduction to Education Administration and Education Evaluation. He has compiled or participated in the compilation and translation of 8 categories of works, teaching materials, and dictionaries. He has published approximately 20 academic papers. His major research achievements are represented by Action Plan to Rejuvenate Education in the 21st Century and Cross-Century Teacher Project, and An Analysis on a Number of Key Issues of Distance Education.