Professor of Beijing Forestry University, doctoral supervisor.
Jia Liming is a consultant expert on afforestation at the Department of Afforestation of the State Forestry Administration; vice director of the National Energy Non-grain Biomass Materials R&D Center; member and deputy secretary-general of the National Standardization Committee for Forest Parks; and deputy secretary-general of the Youth Work Committee of the Chinese Society of Forestry.

His main research focuses on the cultivation of fast-growing and high-yield forests for scenic and entertainment spots, ecological forests, and energy forests.
He has led and participated in key projects and general programs for the National Natural Science Fund; special projects of national science and technology research; “948 Projects”; key projects of the Ministry of Forestry; the Ministry of Science and Technology’s “11th Five-Year Plan” science and technology support projects; and projects jointly carried out with Beijing Municipal Education Commission.