Mr. Fu is a Professor of Central China Normal University. He graduated from the Department of Physics of Central China Normal University in 1961. From 1981 to 1983, he conducted research in information technology at the University of Tokyo. He then moved to University of Tsukuba to undertake research into the educational applications of IT in 1995.

He has been engaged in teaching and research in IT and educational applications since the 1980s. He has completed key Scientific and technological research projects for the Ministry of Electronics Industry “Seventh Five-year Plan”, the State Education Committee “Eighth Five-year Plan”, the “Ninth Five-year Plan”, and many others, including "21st Century Educational Reform Plans for Higher Education”. He has been awarded many prizes, including third prize for Scientific and Technology Progress by the State Education Commission, first prize for Excellent Teaching Achievements of Hubei Province, second prize for Scientific and Technology Progress from Wuhan city, second prize for Experimental National Excellent Achievements for the elementary education reform of higher normal schools, and second prize for teaching achievements at the national level. He was awarded the Tsang Hin-scholarship in 1993. He has enjoyed a State Council Special Allowance since 1992.

His works include: Computers and Education (Central China Normal University Press), The Principles and Methods of CAI Courseware Design (Publishing House of Electronics Industry), Educational Information Processing (Ministry of Education 21st century curriculum materials, Beijing Normal University Press), and Multimedia Technology and its Educational Applications (Higher Education Press).

He was the former dean of the Department of Information Technology of Central China Normal University; Teaching Steering Committee member of the Institutions of Higher Learning Education and Technology of the Ministry of Education; Steering Group member for Higher Normal School Computer Education of the Ministry of Education; and the executive director of the National Computer Counseling and Education Institution.