Mr. Ning is a lecturer in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of the OUC Engineering School. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master of Engineering.

He has taught courses including Analogical Electronics, Modern Electronic Circuits and Technology, The Basics of Computer Circuits (2) and The Principles of Computer Composition. He completed the online teaching, project design, and compilation of teaching materials for these courses. In recent years, he hosted and participated in the compilation of the test database for courses including Principles of Computer Composition and The Basics of Computer Circuit s(2). He was also responsible for the general design of the online curriculum of computer constitute principles, the design and compilation of main teaching content, and the compilation of part of the text materials. 

He has been part of the production team for “Modern Electronic Circuit and Technology CAI Courseware” since 2000. He was awarded first prize in the First National Network Curriculum and Multimedia Courseware Grand Prix by the Audio-Visual Education Office of the Ministry of Education and China Audio-Visual Education Association. “The Principles of Computer Organization” was named a High-quality Curriculum of the CCRTVU. He hosted and completed “The Principles of Computer Composition and Network Curriculum Design and Production”, one of the tasks as part of the “Study on Teaching Quality Assurance for Modern Distance Open Education”, a national education science project of “the tenth five-year plan”. He also took part in the fifth subproject of the “Learning Assessment Research and Practice of Engineering Courses under the Circumstance of Open and Distance Education” project, one of the key projects of the Annual Adult Education Research and Planned Projects of China Adult Education Association in 2007. In addition, he accomplished the first subproject of the “Reform and Innovation of Numerical Control Technology Professional Personnel Training Mode under circumstance of Open and Distance Education” project, one of the projects of the Mechanical Education Development Centre, and a numbers of academic papers.