Professor Cui graduated from Northeastern University (former Northeastern University of Technology), having majored in The Processes and Equipment of Machinery Manufacturing. She received a Bachelor of Engineering and a Bachelor of Laws. She has been teaching in Department of Open Education of Shenyang Radio and TV University for over 20 years.

The courses she teaches include Mechanical Graphing, Engineering Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanical Elements, Technology of Metals, Hydraulic Transmission, Professional English, Evaluation of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, and Computer Produced Drawings.

The programmes she participates and the courses she has constructed include:

Machinery Handbook, editor-in-chief of the second editorial board of China Machine Press;

Technical Manuals of Limits and Fits, deputy editor of Beijing Publishing House;

Manual of Engineering Materials, deputy editor of Beijing Publishing House;

Practical Manual of Mechanical Engineering Materials, one of the editors of Northeastern University;

Technology of Mechanical Manufacture (teaching material), one of the editors of the Distance Education Press;

Design of Machine Tool and Clamps (teaching material), one of the editors of the Distance Education Press;

Metal Cutting Theories and Cutting Tools, one of the editors of the Academy Press;

The Technology of Mechanical Manufacture and Clamp Designs, one of the editors of the China Outlook Press.

She has published a number of academic papers in key national periodicals.