Bian Yushu is a doctor of engineering, deputy professor and master's tutor, and chief editor and lecturer of the Windows Operating System Management, Internet Application Service Management, and Maintenance and Management of Network System courses of the OUC’s computer network technology programme. The latest Microsoft networking and security course he teaches at Microsoft's ATC (Authorized Training Centre) has been well received. Professor Bian graduated from the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of BUAA in 1998 and obtained a Doctorate in engineering. He was a visiting scholar at CIM of McGill University from July 2007 to July 2008.

Professor Bian focuses on the research of robot technology, the dynamics of multi-body systems, and electromechanical integration technology. He researches the dynamics of multi-body systems, flexible robots, redundant-DOF robots, amphibious robots, grinding robots, vibration testing and analysis, and conducts in-depth research into the dynamic performance of mechanical systems, industrial control, and dynamic testing and vibration control.

Professor Bian is undertaking several programmes supported by the State Natural Sciences Foundation, the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, Pilot Foundation, and Key Programme of Ministry of Education on Scientific Research, the programme supported by the National Key Laboratory Foundation of Robot Technology and Systems, the programme supported by the National Key Laboratory Foundation on Machine Manufacturing, the National 863 Programme, and enterprise scientific research programmes. He has published more than 20 papers in core academic journals at home and abroad, such as Nonlinear Dynamics, The Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, The Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, The Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Journal of Vibration Engineering, and IEEE International Conference. Of these, three are indexed by SCI, and all papers are indexed by EI. He has supervised a number of Master’s students.

He is mainly engaged in the following programmes:

  1. Programme supported by the State Natural Sciences Foundation: Research on the Dynamics and Stability of Flexible Robots with Controllable Local-DOF (No.51075013), director.
  2. Programme supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing: Dynamic Performance Control Research of Open Chain Flexible Robots with Controllable Local-DOF (No.4102035), director.
    3. Programme supported by the Pilot Innovation Foundation: Research on the Dynamic Performance and Stability of Open Chain Flexible Multi-link Mechanical Systems with Controllable Local-DOF (No.YWF-10-01-A09), director.
    4. Programme supported by the National Key Laboratory Foundation on Robot Technology and Systems: Research on the Dynamic Performance Optimization of Flexible Robots with Controllable Local-DOF, director.

He has completed the following programmes:

  1. Programme supported by the National Key Laboratory Foundation on Machine Manufacturing: Research on Dynamic Performance Optimization
    2. Basic Pre-research Programme of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation: Simulated Mathematical Model Research on Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, director.
  2. Key Programme of the Ministry of Education on Scientific Research: Dynamic and Coupling Control System Research on Spatial Flexible Robots, major participant.
  3. National 985 Programme: Study on Small-size Amphibious Robots, major participant.

5.National 863 Plan Programme: Development of Robot Prototype Mechanical Systems in the Line Heat Forming of Large Complex Curved Plates (No.863-2001AA421200-02), major participant.
6. Programme supported by the State Natural Sciences Foundation: Research on the Dynamic Singularity of Robots (No.50075008), major participant.
7. Programme supported by the State Natural Sciences Foundation: Evolutionary Neural Network Research on the Dynamics and Flexibility of Redundant Flexible Robots (No.59885001), major participant.

  1. Research on Management Information System Design and Intelligence Applications, director.
  2. Development of a Body Armor Test System, director.