Mr. Tian is the lecturer of China Central Radio and TV University. He graduated from Beijing University of Technology, majoring in Automation in April, 1999 and got the Master Degree of Engineering. He has been working in the OUC (now CCRTVU) and engaged in teaching and researches since graduating from BUT.

The courses he has taught include: “the Principles of Signal Processing”, “the Basis of Electrical and Mechanical Control Engineering,” and “Micro Machine for Industrial Use”. He presided over the remote teaching of “the Principles of Signal Processing” and “the Basis of Electrical and Mechanical Control Engineering” of majors such as Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Computer and CNC Technology of the OUC (CCRTVU).

His major research fields consist of Computer Control, Power Electronics and Automation. A number of papers have been published and over ten textbooks have been compiled and edited by him.