Major: Horticultural Technology (urban horticulture)

Level: Junior college

Categories of discipline: Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery

Admission requirements:  A regular high-school, vocational high-school, technical-school or secondary-professional school diploma.

Objectives: This major aims to cultivate skills and political integrity, developing students in an all-round way , giving them high levels of ideological and political consciousness while making them ethical and humane. They will have mastered the basics of plant cultivation and horticultural operations and management, being able to undertake cultivation, conservation, breeding, operations and management, along with modern horticulture for tourism, landscape maintenance, urban ecological tourism, and related work.

Length of study: The minimum length of study is 2.5 years, and the student status is valid for eight years since registration.

Forms of study: Open education

Total class hours and credits: 1,404 class hours, 78 credits

Main courses: Botany, Soil and Fertilizers, Modern Horticultural Facilities, Genetics and Breeding, Introduction to Horticulture, Rural Economy and Management, Basic Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Pest Control, Ornamental Horticulture, Horticultural-product Marketing, Hydroponics Technology, Flower Cultivation, and others.