Major: Horticulture Technology

Level: Junior college

Category of discipline: Agricultural technology (Agriculture)

Admission requirements: A regular high-school, vocational high-school, technical-school or secondary-professional school diploma.

Education objectives: This major aims to produce graduates with high levels of skill and political integrity, who are developed in an all-round way in terms; who have high levels of ideological and political consciousness, and are ethical and humane; who understand the basics of forest cultivation and protection, forest-resource operations and management, and soil and water conservation; who are capable of seed production, seedling cultivation, forest construction, operation and management, and who can undertake forestry production and ecological engineering.

Time: 2.5 years of study, with student status retained for 8 years.

Forms of study: Open education

Total class hours and credits: 1,368 class hours, 76 credits

Main courses: Fundamentals of Horticulture, Soil and Fertilizers, Horticultural Facilities, Garden-product-storage Technology, Garden-product-processing Technology, Fruit-tree-cultivation Technology (for northern China), Fruit-tree-cultivation Technology (for southern China), Flower-cultivation Technology, Vegetable-cultivation Technology, and others.